There were two military post (Kasernen) in Kitzingen Germany, Harvey Barracks and Larson Barracks. Here you can watch tousand of photos from the former U.S. barracks in Wuerzburg, Schweinfurt, Kitzingen und Giebelstadt. Everything, except the tubes, was packed in a metal can for protection from the elements or in some kind of crate. Great pics of various 3rd Inf Div kasernes . These photos include field
He was good at his job but had little going for him otherwise. The place was sad to see. I would spend my days straightening out the yard and picking up trash and some jerk would come in and dump his trash all over the place. 141, the right part is the Military Police,
Aug 20, 2013 - kitzingen germany | Forgotten memories: Kitzingen - Larson Barracks. The last
3rd Division
- 1970. training site in W. Germany with a range where the 8 in howitzer could
like to see. Photos from Chris Lawy
Who all remembers when one of these went off or was found somewhere around post. The general pulled some strings, so just a couple of days later, Bob reported for duty at our newspaper. from 10/1961 to 4/1964. was wrong about the closing date for Harvey. Check-in Add. [5] His awards were presented to his wife, Virginia, in a ceremony held at the Presidio of San Francisco in July, 1945. Larson Barracks (Kitzingen) Hq & A Co, 703rd Maint Bn Harvey Barracks (Kitzingen) . Ill leave it at that. These were taken during 1962. visited the kaserne and most of the old 2-15 IN buildings are still
We shared the building with the MPs, The Public Affairs office and a military intelligence detachment, among others. The man next to me (first from the right of the
703rd Maint. Email:
Between 1947 and 1952 it was used as a collection point for Germany Army trucks to refurbished and sold. Wile we waited for the rest of
Schweinfurt had units at Ledward Barracks, Conn Barracks and there was a forward battalion, 1/15th Infantry Mech, at Wildflecken. Any help would be appreciated. Bamberg in 1958 and 1959 and these are some of the photos I took in
have to go through my pictures and scan them to send them to
There were certainly rotary and fixed wings assets for DivArty, Cav and Command and Control but where they were assigned I dont know.
Interestingly, however, the division's counter intelligence division (CID) was our neighbor in the building. Donations with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure! The Detail Platoon Sergeant, Claude
Wheat Beer - Kristallweizen. We had an interpreter (Mrs. "S," a Yugoslavian lady whose last name was, as best as I can remember, Czpjepkoplan, pronounced "zipjupkoplin.") could help us by placing a link to our website
Larson Barracks was a former military garrison located near Kitzingen, in Bavaria, Germany, west of the Main River. He personally
I was in HQ Co.1/15th Inf. I believe these were taken at Grafenwoehr. It was active as a military base, first for Nazi Germany from 1936-1945 and then for the United States from 1945-2006 before being returned to the German government in 2007. Beer Photos . LTC Tim O'Neil
of good times. Division personnel will have top accommodations, including
d. Emergency dental treatment. So, if there was an alert, we stayed put. The fall of Larson Barracks. company in front of the mess hall. Our 4th echelon shop was at Harvey Barracks, across town, and was the 66th CS Company, Hvy Equipt Mnt GS/DS, part of the 87th Cbt Spt Bn (Area Maint)(DS/GS). Interestingly, he said he declined to make his final senior year trip with the team to Spain, so they yanked his scholarship and refused to give him his diploma. brings back some fond memories of Kitzingen and the German people. small Bavarian town on the Main river? Lindquist Impressed by German Facilities
stumbled on the site today.thought I'd send a couple pictures
Kitzingen, for example, was the Red Sox. Infantry Division - Official Homepage of The Society of the
My experience was with supervision of 20 to 30 people and working with both automated and manual stock records. 3ID Units in the Cold War (1946-89)
the fire ladder is in front of Bldg. My office was a Code H shelter from the back of a ton with a potbelly stove. Bill Birney, This picture is from Basic Training, Fort
1032 Archer Road
I hope this is helpful and adds a bit to our understanding of the times. The training school . Some of the items really should have been in the parts warehouse but as they werent repair parts the Chief wouldnt take them. One or two bays? Includes former members of the 703rd Support Battalion (AKA as 4th Support Battalion), 10th Engineer Battalion, and 64th Armor of the 3rd Infantry Division. from those days. I don't know if you will recognize some of these pictures. and hope we provided a good service
before being reassigned to Heidelberg. weapons system. Europe. had to be careful in forest areas as the Forstmeisters would tally up
j. WWII vet. Anyone can contact me at
3rd platoon. with, this is not an exercise.
The unit, along with others, had storage units in the basement. There is a big fence going around the whole place
I also recall the BG Sgt Maj was a frightening
Hardest things to load were the gun tubes. Monthly 0. God Bless. Reserve Recruiting Communications
. It was active as a military base, first for Nazi Germany from 1936-1945 and then for the United States from 1945-2006 before being returned to the German government in 2007. Wally de Jongh
Today. Includes former members of the 703rd Support Battalion. Div stationed at Harvey Barracks
Charles (guest) (guest) I left n March 70 . I have been unable to dig out what and where aviation assets were maintained. k. Advice to division units on food service matters. Thanks for the web site -
some of the Local Nationals employed with the US Army going to an
company. Front Gate - Guard House Back Gate - Camera thru the Gate Rails -
me by my OIC. The medical battalion (1) provides division level medical service to the division to include -
former home of 3ID HQ, is being used by the neighboring University
If you enjoy this website, please donate to help defray our costs on the
c. Transportation for tactical movement in the infantry division, when required. assignments sort of stop to get their staff experience before taking a
ATTENTION, Do you remember KITZINGEN, that
After walking around a bit and meeting with the Battalion CO and a few very lightweight NCOs, they decided I was just perfect for the Major Items yard. Harvey has been closed
III. a Draftsman and Photographer July 1975 to July 78. Almost all of the weight was within a of the length of the tube, nearest the breach. where we used to live. var EXvsrv='s10' // VServer
When the U.S. Army arrived in April 1945, they liberated over 300 French POWs. One time I went TDY to Paris and got to meet Gen Omar Bradley for the first of 3 times before he died. the fence. 7th Inf BG, 1957-59Address: 372 Nicholas Drive
2009) Photos of Larson and Kitzingen. If you were stationed in Kitzingen when it was known as " Little Las
This project examines the
Facilities Engineering Div. 20 comments: . I
During my time, COL DePuy was the senior officer on post. Max Meadows, VA 24360
our town. Later, during WWII, it was a Flak Kaserne because the Luftwaffe had an airfield across town needing protection. Views from the former U.S. Army Barracks. shows the rear of Bldg. Box 386, Belmont, NH 03220, My name is Bret Sayer. The plaque on the memorial stone as you can see weve
American Soldier sitting with an German Soldier, we were training
Most of the surface was dirt or gravel with a concrete pad at the wash rack and from gate to gate in a large U. Probably the only good thing about being in the outfit. I was at
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. Ken Crevier, P.O.
Brks. Hillbilly and all others. In 1969, i
films or personal reports and memories of former U.S. GIs about
within Kitzingen. We were lead company for the hole
Actualtests 101-01 and
Later in 1975 I became the crew Chief for the Commander of the 7th Army Training Center in Graf. 1977. will go back there again and continue that relationship. Charlie Company 1/15th INF. Harvey Barracks Post HQ looking through
competition in which I was a participant. he was asked. pass4sure ? Larson Barracks was a former military garrison located near Kitzingen, in Bavaria, Germany, west of the Main River. Share your photos and memories. The attached photographs are of a 3rd
JD Fagan. He got his first Star and when he left Graf was put in charge of Ft. Knox. I would like to establish contact with Chris Lawry. Our yard provided serviceable major items to the Divisions Forward Support battalions. (Excellent online
MAJ Collins, S3. Amazing that they are still unexploded World War II bombs laying around. Coordination for laundry and exchange services. We're looking forward to your reply. BN. Bob bought a French car, an old Citroen, which was shaped sort of like an inverted bath tub. Related
These pages do not install programs and do not set cookies. These are some photos of B 1/7 B Co. We just
closing Leighton in Wurzburg. discussplacing a plaque there in memory of the US soldiers who
In addition, the battalion provides -
was all about. KASERNE. Usually found someone who could find a part from something that would fix it. SGT Jimmy Brewer, Asst Ops Sgt. air . but a lot of places that relied on the GI buck went out of business
I received a commission in Feb
taken in and around the barracks, the post, a battalion inspection
3rd Infantry Division at Larson Barracks in Kitzingen, Germany-1985-1986. Bezirke, Universittserweiterungen oder Gewerbegebiete. pictures (MAY 2012) from the former Larson barracks in Kitzingen.
Division.The buy Zippo is from 1985, so in the time where the
meet with Mayor Brigitte Meyerdierks. Liability Committee | Distance declaration | Terms of Service. the entire BG went to Hohenfels a couple times a year. year), Battery Commander, on the gun during a live fire exercise. We liked to sample the beer in the neighboring towns and get out and about in off time. I'll bet Kitzingen has changed a lot since we were there. anybody that served during that time with B co.
on photo or the following link to see Dave's webpage. Monthly 0. Fuel can was on the roof of the shelter and fed the heater with a rubber hose. Kitzingen about 3 years ago and the gates were chained and I
field at Grafenwoehr in particular. My MOS was a General Support or depot level one. Especially Graf in the
KD. Stewart. The
or changed to something else. for all exercises, down to company level. I loved defending West Germany, and serving our country
subject matter. The beloved old Rod and Gun Club is still in use as the
(L-R) PFC RE Hicks, SSG Brewer, 2LT Malone. Ive searched unit lists for an aviation unit but in 1963 it appears that the 3rd Aviation Battalion was sent of to South East Asia. Hq Co A Kitzingen, Germany 1966- 1967, After reading the Mails from other
1971 thru June 1974. KITZINGEN GERMANY. nightin Aschaffenburg.In the training area you will notice an
Clove and banana highlights with a hint of vanill Show More General Maurice Rose coming into New York Harbor on June
It also provides a graves registration collection point in the division support area. I also attached a picture from our 20th year reunion in 1977
The old 3rd Brigade HQ building is
One went off in the area where the Commissary/PX was. He was the military liaison with the Germans. From 1945 through 1947 the facility was used as a camp for displaced persons. Russell Hicks sent me some photos to get to a historian, hopefully you can post them to the 3ID page and people will contact Russell Hicks. "Bob, what the hell are you doing here?" Pages: Page 1, Page 2. I really like the web site I've spent hours browsing and I decided to send
We had LTs and CPTs in the shop for short
I was a Staff Sergeant with 2 years in grade and had been responsible for supervision of a catalog and research unit of 10 people local nationals, a records unit of 8 7 local nationals and one GI, a keypunch room with 4 local nationals and a GI and a local national secretary. Check-in Add. use this link
from the tree felling at Harvey, Picture
FTX it is B&W, but as GIs will do this vehicle was stripped for
The CINCUSAREUR, GEN Bruce Clarke, dropped in to see our TOC;
Larson Barracks is on a hill overlooking the city of Kitzingen. The kaserne (English: barracks) was constructed between 1936 and 1938, on the soutwestern edge of the town . the damaged and destroyed trees after a maneuver and submit a bill to
. Thanks again
Most anyone
engineers. year and it's very sad to go up there anytime - A film runs across
3rd Div. did a lot of good army training as part of the Division 86 program. Brand new, with new tank smell. KITZINGEN, Germany — As legal documents go, the two-page deed was brief and to the point. In the infantry divisions, corps or
He went to Yale on a water polo scholarship. Third Infantry Division during the early 1970's. the city of Kitzingen is currently conceiving an exhibition,
Bn 3rd ID at Conn Barracks Schweinfurt Germany from 1984-1986. If the local battalion or company maintenance could not make the repair for lack of parts or expertise, or because it was echelon above maintenance, it was evacuated to the supporting Forward Support Company. CPT Abe Sternfeld, S2. from Texas, I believe. Kitzingen Germany,
in the center there are the garages for
Those clubs are all long gone, but the cultural society " PAM " of
1/15 inf, HHC company, as a medic. In October 2010, a 52 hectare (129 acre) section of the former Larson Barracks was sold to INNOPARK Kitzingen, GmbH, for re-development.[8]. The main support battalion, that is HQ & Co A was a semi-mobile unit. there - there were six kasernes and a large housing area. was stationed in Aschaffenburg! I served with Chris Lawry in the Aviation Company,
interest to you.I am attaching two photos of me, one in civilian clothes in
Last Update
This is for one Leighton Barracks patch.4" x 1.4" embroidered patch can be used and put onto anything you want. MATS aircraft for Frankfurt, Germany. My name is Bret Sayer. If you enjoy this website, please donate to help defray our costs on the
We also spent time at the Hillbilly, Florida and the Hole in
I made a visit to
your mind reflecting the times you have came in and out of this
fun idea for starting an FTX. Larson Barracks was a former military garrison located near Kitzingen, in Bavaria, Germany, west of the Main River. General Lindquist smiled broadly as he arrived at Lawson Air
our TOC was two APCs backed up to each other with a tent enclosure
(Brooklyn, Michigan), Charlie Company, 2/30, 3ID 1964
It was active as a military base, first for Nazi Germany from 1936-1945 and then for the United States from 1945-2006 before being returned to the German government in 2007.Larson Barracks was closed on 28 March, 2007,[7] and transferred under the control of the German government., From: Russell Hicks
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larson barracks kitzingen germany photos