synanon survivors

When he begged to see a doctor, the staff sneered at him and called him a faker and asked him if he were homosexual.. By the mid-80s Straight was operating in seven states. All throughout history when the same mix occurs so do the same results. I look forward to comments, but those based upon facts, not attacks on the messenger. Former Synanite Dr. David Deitch, then a Phoenix House director, has stated, A client must have the choice of leaving treatment, even if the youngster is on probation and the alternative is jail.(19) Richard Ashley wrote in Heroin that, The only power of decision the member retains once he enters a TC is the decision to leave. Dr. Efren Ramirez, founder of Phoenix House, has said that you dont rehabilitate a person against his will.. But I also concluded that Synanon would always be dangerous because of the nature of the Synanon game. Jollett says his feelings were not validated by his mother, who instead relied on him for comfort. So, as stated, when Dederich also admitted his notions were intended on each occasion to drive people out, so only the fanatical remained, and he profited by the resulting lowering cost, he was in fact knowingly in his view sacrificing former addicts to untimely ends for profit. Congratulations. Before moving in, Jollett had always considered his dad a "badass," a "criminal," a "pirate. I informed him that some of the people he interviewed were in fact the ones who participated most in the violence and that he had been lied to. Further, I wrote that the study of cults is studying a microcosm of the greater society. Paul please post this comment and not the other two thank you sir. Unlike Janzen, I was not looking for fans from any groups, but to record the knowledge I obtained so it might benefit others, as well as presenting an interesting read. Im so grateful, thankful & PROUD of everyone who made this happen!!! Some people, whether from genes or experiences, or combinations thereof, just are not capable of living a good life on their own. Per Ofshe, Dr. Elizabeth Missakian, former Pres. That for about a period of 7 years most of my friends were ex synanon members. The legacy quotes statistics that I did not keep or make, but Synanon did. Survivors of Residential Treatment Centers (RTC) WWASP Fighters. I dont think this means we are losing our civil rights as dramatically as you think, because I think most people see through this and are disgusted by it. He became the one to blame, he was the angry one. But that questionwhile interestingis really moot; the fact is that while shelter and support is of assistance, the Synanon system based on hate (as stated by Dederich) and punishment was not only a failure but its achievement in publicity, like a Synanon movie starring Ed OBrien, has led to 50 years of horror to countless victims all over the world and continues to do so. Mental health service. Today, there are statistics saying women have surpassed men as earners, all of this is good. You can also see a shorter version of my career on Wikipedia if you do not wish to buy the book. So I asked him how he could then discount it and he responded because if it existed, he would have to consider it occurring in religions (he is a Christian and lover of utopian communities) and other groups. Now theres a little room for you now. And it will be edited further. I'm going to get up at 5:00, I'm going to feed the rabbits, I'm going to make myself breakfast, I'm going to make myself lunch, I'm going to walk to school. Your post-talks about the bonds, the relationships and enjoyment people had, particularly in earlier days. In 1972 he reported on the case of a 12 year old boy who had been admitted, along with older clients, to a second generation Synanon called The Odyssey House in New York City. Others reported in 1973 that the Synanon absorbing members was retention, not rehabilitation, a result found unfortunately in many of the Synanon clones, which Synanon bragged 2,400 existed. In 1974, Congress opened an investigation into such behavior-modification programs, finding that The Seed had used methods similar to the highly refined brainwashing techniques employed by the North Koreans. It's not good.' *..*.*. Prove that all the Synanon documents directing kidnappings, beatings and murder did not exist. But that idea was bantered by law enforcement as because of the wire, and the wire logs, knowledge could be proven against all who stayed in support. Dederich said those who left fell through the open manhole and would post descriptions of their calamities for all to see as a warning if they ever left. Once the population bought that, Dederich had complete power by threat of expulsion which he continually exercised out right or by squeezes.. As to the legacy, conclusion was not difficult. As I said in the beginning, my views changed at different times, and it was only upon reading of what happened at the clones was my view finally shaped. There just a, lots of them down in the Bank of America building in San Francisco, Pacific Union club, various law offices throughout the country, the streets, the ghettos, the penitentiaries. Today, troubled-teen programs use Synanon-like tactics, advertising themselves to parents as solutions for everything from poor study habits to substance misuse. And I really try to do that," Jollett says. This intrusive, assertive therapeutic style works well for a few clients but may injure many more. Professor Bellis noted that, A number of clients. S. B. Your comments is like talking about Nazi tea parties and trains running on time while someone else is talking about the Holocaust. I gave you a ring and was most pleasantly surprised that you answered. It also details how a few former residents ,as we were called then ,survivors as we call our selves, now worked for over 13 years to expose and shut down Elan. Simon did not follow his own warnings, and after being destroyed in a Synanon game, and then befriended by Dederich, never left, became the keeper of the flame and ultimately went to prison for participation in a scheme to destroy evidence concerning Synanons violent conspiracy. "Our parents weren't bad people, they didn't choose to turn their children into orphans. But Farve had the money so he could be self indulgent. I witnessed a few cow boy ass kickings. Although Synanon was officially shut down in 1991, it had inspired followers to start similar groups that perpetuated Synanons worst principles. Margo I agree I looked at every branch. Although I think this is waning some now Movies now are once again about heroes and less about femme fatales. In other words he would have to reexamine his beliefs and consider possibly his own victimization. Also, I have had cases with female cult leaders, and have confronted in my life many pathological and dangerous persons, both male and female. But, Ms. Szalavitz writes, the shuttered programs simply changed their names and reopened, often with the same staff, in the same stateeven in the same building. At the heart of the Cedu program was a philosophy that had grown out of various self-help movements of the 1960s and 70s, such as Lifespring, Werner Erhards EST, and most directly, from Charles E. Dederichs Synanon cult, church, and street-level heroin-cure program. Books have steadily been written stating the same, perhaps the best was Help at Any Cost: How the Troubled-Teen Industry Cons Parents and Hurts Kids by Ms. Maia Szalavitz. That is, she was forced to run in the summer sun until she collapsed, and then she was left laying in the hot sun until she died. The study of cults can teach us the problems of nations. It was a gift. From Musicos past, one can infer antisocial makeup, but when he came to Synanon he was able to function and had acceptance, something he probably could not otherwise obtain. It still such a bracing business that I like to stay in it. Sometimes I think women are more revenge orientated, but it probably still comes down to the individual. After 30 years of pondering, I came full circle and realized that sociologist Richard Ofshe had analyzed it right from the start. On June 27, 1990, six weeks after the death of Michelle Sutton, 16-year-old Kristin Chase died at the Challenger wilderness camp in Utah of hyperthermia and dehydration after a 5-mile forced march in 105-degree heat. This is especially true when punishment is viewed as a healing process. A belief system based upon coercive persuasion is expected by all who have studied it to be largely abandoned when the pressures are removed. Died of dehydration. Rather than a commune wonderfully described by Yablonsky and Janzen as reforming criminals, it made criminals out of non-criminals, and took former reformed criminals to a higher level of criminal violence. The belief that Synanon was a breakthrough, as stated, was mainly because of its public speaking bureau. One either plays the game and is rewarded with privilege and favorable discharge, or one splits from the program. Jollett's father, though not in his life in the beginning, emerges as the hero in the book. Straights attorney for that trial was a prominent Washington, DC civil liberties lawyer named Ronald Goldfarb. I have it. Yet at the same time, the noise Synanon made did wake up people to the idea, not yet existing, that cure was possible. Ego had nothing to do with that comment. . Many entrepreneurs, previously excluded from the lucrative drug rehabilitation trade because of lack of a medical degree, have opened their own second, third, and fourth generation synanon-type therapeutic communities. Yet by the time Synanon shut down in 1991, its model had already been widely copied. (c) Nov. 2012. I find I edit better after I posted and edited this one about 5 times so far. ", It wasn't until the boys moved in with their father a tall, Italian man who awed them with stories about once hiding a shotgun under his trench coat that the once-distant dad became more than just a mythological figure. When I was first fighting Synanon, however, things were very black and White. Since I had as friends, people like Bernie Kolb and Ben Parks, who went from long-term addictions to long time great human beings, I concluded something there must have worked. I was inducted in late 1976 at the age of 14. The damage that has been done to many ,many children is unfathomable. In 1966 New York City Mayor John Lindsay hired Puerto Rican psychiatrist Efren Esteban Ramirez to run the citys Addiction Services Agency. Ms Szalavitz wrote there are hundreds of emotional growth boarding schools, wilderness camps, and tough love anti-drug programs that make up the billion-dollar teen residential treatment industry. In 1984 a federal jury in Alexandria, Virginia awarded Fred Collins, Jr. $220,000 for being falsely imprisoned at Straight.Inc. In the introduction I asked the question was Charles Dederich just another sociopath who rose to power or was he a Jedi Knight seduced by the Dark Side. But he failed to see while controlled and anti-social pathology still existedit awaited release and that many were eager to respond to their old days ways if the message to do good turned to do bad. Even today, some ex Synanon members, including many who had claimed they were harmed and/or were critical upon leaving, have played an on-line version with each other that slowly brought them back into the fold, confessing what others want to hear and afraid to say what they dont. "Whose fault is it? Did you change partners? Synanon was the first therapeutic community devoted to the treatment of the drug addicted according to the Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol, which is edited by the first White House Drug Czar, per Wes Fager, who also noted Dr. Jerome Jaffe stated Synanon is the prototype of the drug-related therapeutic community-a community where the addict surrenders all aspects of his life, except one-the right to leave. Fager further noted Bratter and Forrest write that In less than a quarter of a century, the American self-help residential therapeutic community has come to span the globe. In 1971, Dederich stated, as Ofshe noted: we want at the idea of graduate. This was a sop to social workers and professionals who wanted me to say that we were producing a graduate. I always wanted to say to them, A person with this fatal disease will have to live here all of his life. I know damn well if they got out of Synanon they are dead. Commonly employed and widely admired in 12-step groups and treatment., The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it., Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. He wrote that the Synanon experience in playing the game, peers caring for peers without doctors, created a cure for drug addiction. Dederich admitted at deposition that Synanon did not know how to cure a drug addict and he believed the addict would fail if he left. It cant be denied that Charles Dederich in many instances, while playing Skinner, was ahead of the times with positive ideas. Even if the system had worked, the price was too high free will. no Mr. Vandeman I am not deleting this as it is not as vulgar as the others. Dr. Roger Meyer, a professor of psychiatry at Boston University, and formerly the Acting Chief of the Center for Studies of Narcotics and Drug Abuse at NIMH, was one of the first to question the wisdom of subjecting kids to the brutality of the Synanon Game. I further told him that UCLA records were selective and I alone had Synanons internal documents which tells another story. We have multiple groups dedicated to ending the TTI (Troubled Teen Industry) as well, that work in conjunction with mine, this is how I discovered this story! Synanons advertising of its few success stories was so convincing that many professionals like New York psychiatrist Dan Casriel had become convinced of the Games efficacy. But before I wrote this, there were many before me who wrote the same thing trying to put an end to the warped Synanon system that as Dederich said was based on hate. Charles was arrested while drunk in 1978 and was barred from any further leadership within the ", Jollett continued to struggle with past traumas as a young teen and adult. As to the above, I remain impressed with your apparent life long research into many areas, and you write so much, it is hard to know where to begin. While I cop to an ego in this area, my comments to Janzen had nothing to do with it. One feature of Seed was the Spanking Machine where a childs father must publicly whip his kid before the large peer Group. It did make news. Here we go!' Maybe it's one of the things about human nature, that isolated power corrupts people. The Cedu Schools developed into an industry of sister schools, clones and copy-cats, that are now a multi-million dollar, international and unregulated business., *.*.. And back is my reply to you. Education website. They covered his mouth with a hand and forced him to inhale ammonia, which caused spasm of his vocal cords and prevented him from being able to inhale. Further, Yablonsky married a Synanon woman and admitted he felt any attack on Synanon was an attack on her. He was so wrong and he refused to write many who studied Synanon came to an opposite conclusion. [Chuck] Dederich [Synanons founder], an exile from A.A., is credited with being the genius behind the TC [therapeutic community] movement and Leon Brill acknowledges in The Clinical Treatment of Substance Abusers that the original therapeutic community directed by ex-addicts was Synanon though others, he writes, such as Daytop Village, Odyssey House and Phoenix House in New York City have used psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and other professionals as part of their staff; in an article for Substance Abuse: Clinical Problems and Perspectives written in 1981, Deitch and Zweben acknowledge that Synanon is the progenitor of the present-day therapeutic communities., As Fager summarized: Almost all modern day therapeutic communitiesand there are hundreds of themare based on synanons. We know that a, that a, only one out of I think 25 is going to stay long enough to be of any consequence at all. Ultimately, as stated above, Dederich would testify they never knew how to cure a dope fiend and nobody does. Yet it was from this that the miracle was proclaimed. "Sometimes I think about this book as this primal scream, this assertion: 'This happened. I would say probably every decade my views changed, either up or down, but only in small degrees. Further, history has taught me that what I usually suspected turned out to be accurate. . And he told of the case of one TC therapist who forced female clients to perform fellatio on him while he talked on the phone to their probation officers., *..**. And in end, its Synanons holocaust that is its legacy, particularly since there were so many who predicted it as early as the 60s from nothing more than reading the books written about Synanon. Seven years before that trial Goldfarb had written a book calling for prison reform using the Synanon-style therapeutic community. In my opinion Elan operated as a continueing criminal enterprise for close to forty years. Were you happy with the violence? Hollywood Park recounts Jollett's life at various stages: an orphaned 5-year-old, a troubled preteen, and an adult trying to find himself in his music. Some have shown that synanon confrontations can potentially be psychologically damaging and may not be suitable for all audiences-especially for adolescents. As such they were just like the many other children born into the cult. *.*..*. Synanons punitive system of verbal attacks and humiliation was counterproductive and drove out most that entered. They made people like Bernie Kolb who I loved very much. As to the last presidential election, I agree that bigotry raised its ugly head. Jollett believes the violence to which adults were subjected has received widespread attention. Another boy froze to death (given no coat or shelter), and the victims even included former Synanon children who were placed in these camps by parents still believing in the Synanon system. Similarly, there is no evidence that every substance abuser is such for life and can only avoid destruction through one of these programs. No one knows the actual final fate of the 19. '", He continues: "'I'm going to make sure my mom's okay, because she's crying in the room.'". He stated he consciously directed the Synanon population through this method. Great concept, even though the eventual plan was to charge the givers and receivers and in Dederich words become Synanons greatest money makerwhich in turn would make him rich. Another myth perpetrated by old time Synanon members, and apology writers, like Janzen, looking for fans among ex-Synanon members, is that Synanon played a role in civil rights. 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synanon survivors

synanon survivors