admiral byrd chilean newspaper

The war records do list that U-209 as missing. Greer believes that the so called reptilian and grays are all black ops creations and that there are no evil ETs, citing the simple logic that if there were, their advanced superiority militarily and technologically would have destroyed humans a long time ago. The good Admiral made copious notes of his time in Antarctica and none of these refer to a "new green land beyond the pole". He reported that he made six trips into the hollow earth, encountering sub-terrestrials not of human origin. A & S: The only casualties on Highjump were the three Navy men killed in the George 1 airplane crash in December 1946. And if new, more factual conclusions are the result, the old, less true conventional models and theories eventually fall by the wayside. The surviving six crew members were rescued 13days later, including aviation radioman James H. Robbins and co-pilot William Kearns. When encountering the press, Byrd tended to be more truthful than his government preferred and just prior to embarking, he openly stated that Highjump was a military expedition to look for some bases.. Of course the hollow earth has long been embedded in our artistic folklore and imaginations through such works as Jules Vernes Journey to the Center of the Earth. And we quote: Admiral Byrd spoke of flying objects that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds. Finn Ronne also financed a private operation to the same territory until 1948. So the name dropping author is a relative of the Bank of America founder. A growing body of supportive evidence is frequently discovered on Google Earth, such as the large open entrances to a subterranean world with saucershaped figures lodged in ice. HIGHJUMP's objectives, according to the U.S. Navy report of the operation, were:[3]. In the mayhem, three US ships were sunk, including the destroyer. The warm air convection current emanating from the polar openings obviously accounts for this difference. Deep state and especially the CIA are notorious for leaking disinformation and bogus lies, in this case intended to discredit both Admiral Byrds encounters with alien technology and the devotees of the hollow earth theory, deploying the old CIA yoke that renders them tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists.. If theres anyone who should know the truth about the poles, and whether theres an opening at each one, its Admiral Richard Byrd. The El Mercurio newspaper from Chile reported an interview with Admiral Byrd on March 5, 1q47. The poles have long been associated with being multidimensional vortex fields that act as earth entry and exit points for intergalactic spacecraft travel. Inside sources suspected many had escaped to the German underground base in Antarctica. Admiral Byrd was famed for going to the North and South Poles and obtaining . Comment: A false flag alien invasion and the high probability that there are malevolent aliens who have already invaded (though perhaps not yet Independence Day-style) are not mutually exclusive. A number of Antarctica maps derived from ancient cultures showed the continent was not always covered under ice. Yet were supposed to believe it will take nearly a year in advance for the bogeyman from outer spaces armada to arrive here on earth. Belanger: It was the beginning of photo mapping there, and it helped people learn about the continent. Copies of this bogus diary were sold to make money promoting Byrds hollow earth meme. The three Navy airmen who in 1946 became the first U.S. casualties in Antarctica (see Executive Editor Paul Hoversten asked Dian Olson Belanger, a historian of polar exploration and the author of Deep Freeze: The United States, the International Geophysical Year, and the Origins of Antarcticas Age of Science (University Press of Colorado, 2006), to talk about Highjump and its legacy. [35] Refirindose a la expedicin de reciente finalizacin, Byrd dijo que el resultado ms importante de sus observaciones y descubrimientos es el efecto potencial que tienen con respecto a la seguridad de los Estados Unidos. El Almirante explic que no quiere asustar a nadie, pero es una verdad amarga que, en el caso de una nueva guerra, los Estados Unidos podran ser atacados por aviones que pueden volar sobre uno o los dos polos. Unger said the entire crew would remain there. Fueling the latter theory, in 2012 another strange anomaly was found on Google Earth of an odd 14.5 mile long 4.5 mile wide structure that appears to either be a monster-sized UFO lodged under the ice or a secret camouflaged research station. Gravity in the inner world is less than one third the outer worlds, which Billie cited as the main reason why the inner race of people are several feet taller. This statement was made as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News Service. Roswell allowed reverse-engineering to aid the black ops programs to begin developing their own antigravity spacecraft. Science observes spinning objects with an absence of matter at the center due to centrifugal force. The lighter elements such as liquefied water and the gaseous atmosphere will tend to form on each side of the center point, materializing at both the inner and outer surfaces of the planet. When he spoke of his traumatic experience growing up inside his underground base, like Olaf he was diagnosed with mental illness and eventually had to bury his past and lie to authorities in order to extricate himself from the prison of the mental health system. Theyre highly skilled at stringing us along with lies and half-truths, forever instilling duality and confusion into their dumbing down equation to seize maximum, cluelessly brainwashed control. The other 6 crew members were rescued 13 days later. On November 28th, 1929 Byrd and his crew made the first flight over the South Pole lasting almost 19 hours. A maneuver that concluded in a full-fledged fight with aliens from the Arctic Shelf. The park held it's grand opening on-site Saturday, January. La velocidad fantstica a la que el mundo se est reduciendo record el Almirante es una de las lecciones ms importantes aprendidas en su reciente exploracin antrtica. Though its highly unlikely that Admiral Byrd flew to the hollow earth from the North Pole in February 1947, supposedly on his final Antarctic expedition little more than a year before his death, the renowned American explorer is reported to have reached the South Polar Opening during a January 1956 flight. I wouldnt rule out the wingless craft, personally. Moreover, the forceful Forrestal also strongly opposed globalism and the establishment of the state of Israel. The internet was all abuzz a month and a half ago when millions were viewing a video claiming that the first French woman astronaut to reach the International Space Station screamed the earth must be warned! referring to extraterrestrials prior to slipping into a coma attempting an OD suicide in 2008. The base was likely part of the Third Reichs treasure finders research teams searching for ancient artifacts. But by 1956 Washington was long committed to carrying out its sinister policy of secrecy, lies, and even murder to deprive Americans and all of humanity of the truth. Colonel by the name of Billie Faye Woodard shared his experience while assigned to the infamously top secret Area 51 in the Nevada desert from January 1971 to 1982. On 5 March, 1947 the El Mercurio newspaper of Santiago, Chile appeared, with the headline article 'On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas' in which it quoted Byrd saying "Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. One was on a tractor that went through the ice right when they got there in January 1956. This troublesome find led to the Saudi request for Russia to retrieve the ark and take it some place far away from any more Muslims. Byrd discussed the lessons learned from the operation in an interview with Lee van Atta of International News Service held aboard the expedition's command ship, the USS Mount Olympus. The Eastern Group of ships reached Peter I Island in late December 1946. The story of Antarctica is the story of secrecy enshrouded in government nondisclosure and cover-up. This came shortly after rumors began circulating in September 2015 of a mysterious relic some say was the Ark of Gabriel unearthed at a mosque construction site in Mecca, linked to a crane toppling over to kill 111 worshippers. All these latest scientific breakthroughs in science inadvertently support an inner world. And another half dozen years after Byrds passing, the same rogue government was free to once again get away with another murder, silencing the last honest US president trying to represent the peoples best interests. All these years later it appears his warning could come to pass. Admiral Byrd's statements were published in the Chilean Press but never publicly confirmed by US authorities. Here is the text of the interview in the original Spanish and an accurate English translation. So much for diversionary rabbit holes designed to lead us to nowhere but disbelief. Russian UFO researcher Valentin Degterevfound in 2015 yet another strange image on the February 2012 Google Earth that appears to be four tanks covered in snow lined up facing what could be a crashed 204 wide and 40 tall UFO. Suddenly emerging from underwater, especially near Antarctica, they are believed to originate from undersea bases there. There has only been one Byrd diary that authentically documents the explorers experience and it was his first flight over the North Pole in 1926 featured in a 1928 book called Skyward. The interview appeared in the Wednesday, March 5, 1947, edition of the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio and read in part as follows: Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. The northern winter was coming, and Highjump was a quickly planned exercise to move the whole thing to the South Pole. After nearly two months on assignment, suddenly out of nowhere the naval task force was attacked by combat power and conditions never before witnessed on a battlefront. Based on his research, BBC journalist Michael Wood believes that Shambhala lies buried somewhere beneath the Himalayan Mountains. The Byrd collection consists of two acquisitions, the first in 1985 and the second in 1990, and fills 523 cubic feet of space. To Washingtons consternation, thousands of scientists, engineers and Third Reich military and political leaders were never accounted for. NASAs Operation Ice Bridge has experts believing an ancient civilization once existed under the 2.3 kilometers of ice. The Vril society founded in 1918 sought occult knowledge. So the most logical conclusion is the 2,300 miles beyond the South Pole must have taken his plane into the earths interior. More than any other single source of smoking gun evidence comes when we can readily see with our own eyes, thanks to orbiting satellite photographs taken since 1968. Also contributing to this phenomenon are the light waves emanating from the earths inner sun. Prior to last years guest list, a couple other notables worth mentioning: On September 15th, 1999 President Bill Clinton, a Bohemian Grove alum, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg member, visited the American Antarctic Deep Freeze Base in Christchurch, New Zealand and spoke to US personnel stationed at the main American Antarctic Base at McMurdo. In late November to mid-December 2013, Prince Harry accompanied a team of a dozen veterans of Empire wars from UK, US and Canada on a Walking with the Wounded Antarctic expedition as a PR stunt to raise money and awareness for those willing to die for the latest bankers wars. Famous scientists and mathematicians have also believed that the earth is hollow and that the interior supports life. Lending credence to secret Nazi military bases at the poles comes news from two months ago that Russian scientists unearthed an abandoned Nazi base in the Arctic after German scientists apparently ate infected polar bear meat in 1942. Later, he seems to have changed his mind, at least in part, as evidenced in the previous links I sent. Esta declaracin se hizo como parte de una recapitulacin de su propia experiencia polar, en una entrevista exclusiva con International News Service. Subduction zones are conduits connecting the outer and inner oceans. We need a tsunami to drain the global swamp of perverse muck and vile darkness to wash away their entrenched rotten filth thats parasitically been sucking the lifeblood out of the human race for far too many centuries. Olaf sailed into the opening near the North Pole in 1829 and wrote of his wondrous experiences inside the earth and his persecuted, tortuous life back on the surface. Two decades ago the author apparently managed to escape at the age of 15. The team of American and European researchers feel this could be their smoking gun, proving that Antarctica was not a frozen tundra but was once teeming with plentiful plant and animal life that included human beings. The anonymous writer describes how he was allegedly trapped in an old German-ET underground Antarctic base that he claims is still operating today. That guided the building of stations there. But in fact temperatures at the poles are warmer than temperatures 600-1000 miles away. Your email address will not be published. Four years ago a Russian study found a massive golden swastika over 100 meters wide and long that lays 13,100 feet deep at the bottom of the largest Antarctic freshwater lake, the size of Lake Ontario, and located under miles of thick ice. Anyone who has read a bit on UFOs during World War II (especially any Nazi technology angle) has no doubt run into the story of how Admiral Richard Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica called Operation Highjump . The elite always counted on using a common enemy to unite the world nations into a one world government. For numerous decades this anomaly has been observed by perplexed explorers and scientists. Siple was the same Eagle Scout who accompanied Byrd on the previous Byrd Antarctic expeditions. Richard Evelyn Byrds final diary entry is dated December 30th, 1956: These last few years elapsed since 1947 have not been kind. Though thats true, the release of this information suddenly going public via YouTube all these years later at this particular time is strikingly similar to the warning allegedly put out just a couple weeks later by Buzz Aldrin upon visiting Antarctica and falling sick, posting on Twitter an accompanying photo of the Antarctic pyramids. Your Privacy Rights But apparently the secret diary all about the hollow earth visit to Aghartha was conjured up years after Gianninis book with the probable intent to substantiate the B of A writers earlier claim. The UFO fervor keeps intensifying, centered on the Antarctic mystery as a probable portal to other worldly activity. These were also newly released soldiers and sailors from World War II. Lets face it, virtually everything weve been taught to be reality falls short of the honest truth, having been programmed and brainwashed from day one that prohibits any real serious or genuine inquiry, questioning or challenging of the prevailing dogmatic norm and order, thus by built-in design preventing exploration of alternative information, data and theories that may well lead to different, more accurate conclusions and outcomes. This presentation will focus on tangible findings and discoveries that have been historically confirmed and documented, including what is most likely half-truths and disinformation that only spread greater distrust and suspicion amongst the global populace. So lets proceed with an open mind in our inquiry into the hollow earth hypothesis that asserts that the earth is either completely hollow at its inner core, or at the least contains considerable interior space with circular polar openings. As weve said many times before, UFO (and conspiracy) proponents have a bad habit of not checking their sources. The Nazi Antarctica myth has been out there for some time now, and having researched Nazi Germany and WWII for more than a few decades now, have known for about that long that no such Nazi base, and no such Nazi UFOs were ever present then, or now, in that region either above or under the surface, as many still claim. Rather than deny the heavy casualty reports, Admiral Byrd revealed in a press interview in Chile that his Task Force had encountered a new enemy that "could fly . Just as they back every handpicked presidential Republican vs. Democrat puppet to polarize, distract and divide us, they always back both sides to every one of their manufactured wars, and this one against the reptilians is no different. [11], As with other U.S. Antarctic expeditions, interested persons were allowed to send letters with enclosed envelopes to the base, where commemorative cachets were added to their enclosures, which were then returned to the senders. This mini-documentary from Strange But True Stories gives an account of the anomalous details of the US Navy's large-scale 1947 Operation Highjump led by Rear Admiral Byrd (Ret), that conducted scientific experiments and aerial reconnaissance of Antarctica. On the way back Byrd gave an interview to the prestigious Chilean newspaper El Mercurio of Santiago on 5 March 1947. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. One part of Antarctica is actually growing warmerwhile another part colder. Instead in 1939 Byrd led his third and largest South Pole expedition that included 125 men, the first fully funded and sponsored by Washington. Mongolian tribes believe that tunnels at earths surface link to the subterranean world. In Deep Freeze 1, there were two [deaths]. They were supposed to do a lot of photo mapping. After the military, Joachim earned a masters degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Even after the May 1945 Nazi surrender, a U-530 submarine that had left Kiel, Germany in April is believed to have reached Antarctica in an operation called Valkarye-2 where the crew was reported to have built ice huts encased in steel plates and unloaded Third Reich relics and valuables for storage. Are there secrets about Antarctica that hold the key to the future? He maintains that for 11.5 years he never saw the light of day working underground with access beyond the first 15 man-made levels to the deeper 16-31 levels allegedly inhabited by an advanced interior-earth civilization. I have to warn my compatriots that the time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.. A brief history of Antarctica adequately provides a contextual background by which a clearer perspective on our current dilemma can be understood. Thus, these more recent findings thoroughly demolish everything weve been taught, debunking both the fake science timelines of mans origin only 10,000 years ago as well as Darwins notion that homo sapiens naturally evolved from the one cell amoeba to the ape and finally to us modern humans. Three years ago a study confirmed that a giant ocean of water lays 254 miles (410 km) deep into the mantle below the earths surface. There were maybe four [deaths] in Deep Freeze 2 or 3. All this sounds so preposterous considering alien technology can instantly traverse the vast Universe. El Almirante Richard E. Byrd advirti hoy que es imperativo para los Estados Unidos de America el iniciar medidas de defensa contra la posibilidad de una invasin del pas de parte de aviones hostiles provenientes de las regiones polares. National Geographic featured Byrds Highjump story entitled Our Navy Explores Antarctica in its October 1947 issue. But with world war looming on the horizon, a decision was made to eventually abort the expedition and both east and west base camp personnel sailed their ships into Boston harbor in May 1941 while war in Europe was already raging. Aggressive UFO activity emerging from underwater to overturn and endanger ships has increased in recent years. Recall globalist Buzz Aldrins tweet warning us of the evil down under. On an emergency basis, Pope Francis and the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill met in Cuba last year on February 12th (ostensibly to discuss the persecution and murder of Christians). The official line was to receive an update on climate change research. [16] It features Chief of Naval Operations Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz in a scene where he is discussing Operation HIGHJUMP with admirals Byrd and Cruzen. English, News It is usually not translated entirely but one sentence has been battered and fried in the most unusual fashion. Such hypocrisy is the curse of ideology and partisanship. Apart from politics, a huge crack 80 miles long (130 km) and 300 feet deep is currently splitting and spreading across the 2,400 mile continental expanse. Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. While during his well-documented Operation Highjump, the admiral was getting his ass kicked by aliens or Nazis equipped with alien technology at the South Pole in February 1947, at the other end of the earths North Pole, according to Byrds secret diary, he was also entering the magical alien world of Aghartha for a sobering sit-down chat with the advanced civilizations Master, warning him that if humans continue their evil warlike ways, doom and gloom awaits. Head of the Disclosure Project Dr. Steven Greer, whos gathered an immense body of evidence about UFOs and extraterrestrials for over two decades, also believes that the current rogue government is planning a Third World War with so-called aliens from outer space. Earlier this week UKs conspiracy theory ridicule rag Express ran a headline that Kerry went to check out a secret UFO Nazi base from World War II. The inner ocean thats believed to be 155 miles (250 km) deep could supply much of the ocean water at the earths surface. Christianity speaks of Hell being inside the earth. By the end of the century, sea levels are expected to rise up to 10 feet, submerging cities like Miami and New York and forcing evacuation of 150 million people living along low lying coastlines worldwide. The Nazi UFO foothold down under the planet really never left us, it only merged with the current Illuminati crime cabal. Edgar Cayce predicted upheaval at the earths poles subsequently elevating water levels and plunging US cities along the Eastern Seaboard underwater. This statement was made as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News Service. Tuesday 10 . US Navy operation to establish an Antarctic research base, Diving Under Antarctic Ice: A History Peter Brueggeman, United States Antarctic Service Expedition, Capt. From the research Ive done, Byrd really wasnt well. So for over six decades this coming war has been in the works. John Lukacs: The Legacy of the Second World War, Victorian and Edwardian Bedfordshire Ghost Stories, The Wizards, Astrologers, Fairy Seers and Witches of Victorian Liverpool, Hurst, The Victorian Ghosts, Devils and Witches of Northern Bedfordshire,, Pitchforks and Witchcraft in Nineteenth-Century Warwickshire, The Fairy Witch of Carrick-on-Suir: A Nineteenth-Century Fairy Resurrectionist, Victorian Urban Legends: The Smiths and the Rookery, Boggart & Banshee: A Supernatural Podcast, John Higson, South Manchester Supernatural, Le Fanu, Sheridan Le Fanus Scary Fairy Stories, Riddell et al, Ghost Tales of Victorian and Edwardian Bedfordshire, The Fewston Witches 1621-1623: A Yorkshire Coven, The Witches and Fairies of Nineteenth-Century Ilkley, Young (ed), The Wollaton Gnomes: a Nottingham Fairy Mystery, Young, A Gazetteer of British Mermaid Place-names, 2023 Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog. The admiral further stated that he didnt want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.. This month its a bird, its a plane, no its the geopolitics grandmaster himself, Vladimir Putins turn to take in the January icescapes, and get the latest scoop on the covert skullduggery down under. Major discoveries are forcing the issue. Like President Eisenhowers prophetic warning in his 1961 farewell address, Byrd saw firsthand the monstrous military-industrial complex.. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This quotation is based on a deliberately manipulated translation of what Byrd really said. Its still a dangerous place. Belanger: It was the largest naval expedition ever in Antarctica. JR refers to the article in El Mercurio. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled Dont Let The Bastards Getcha Down. It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. Debo advertir a mis compatriotas que termin aquel tiempo en el que podamos refugiarnos en nuestro aislamiento y confiar en la certeza de que las distancias, los ocanos, y los polos eran una garanta de seguridad. For more on Steven Greer, see:SOTT Exclusive: New X-Files blows it on the truth and reality of alien abduction Part III: Mass deception. The newspaper quoted Byrd, "Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. All of this is simply a disinformation campaign to ready us gullibly dumbed down masses to pray that our world crime cabal government will step in and save the day. Another piece of evidence that the Nazis were actively engaged in advanced aviation construction in Antarctica throughout the war is the fact that a British submarine torpedoed a German U-859 in September 1944 in the Straits of Malacca. And among the earths seven continents, no greater land mass has been more unseen, uninhabited and less known about than the mysterious frozen terrain that lies underneath the 2 mile deep polar ice shelf covering the Antarctic continent, a massive 5.4 million square mile (14 square million kilometer) archipelago thats twice the size of Australia surrounding the south pole. A former Russian navy officer and UFO researcher states that 50% of UFO encounters report the spacecraft emerged from ocean waters and 15% from lakes. After the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, the KGB released records confirming that Highjumps actual mission was indeed to capture and destroy that hidden underground German military base. Thankfully despite all their dirty trick scandals and murders behind them, with his wifes recent defeat, the Bush-Clinton-Obama control over the puppet throne in Washington has just been finally dethroned. Refirindose a la expedicin de reciente finalizacin, Byrd dijo que el resultado ms importante de sus observaciones y descubrimientos es el efecto potencial que tienen con respecto a la seguridad de los Estados Unidos. If he actually travelled another 2,300 miles beyond the South Pole and not flown into the hollow rim opening, but kept flying on a straight course over Antarctica, Byrd and his crew would have nearly reached the middle of the Atlantic Ocean near the equator. It seems that these are planted messages being spoon-fed to mentally prepare us for another staged war of the worlds scenario, but instead of HG and Orson Wells, its a la deep states rendition. But in fact, while he had the titular control of the operation, the Navy really called the shots. Despite the Antarctic Treaty signed by a dozen original nations in December 1959 promoting cooperation for shared scientific research that prohibits a military presence other than for adjunctive scientific purposes, more than a half dozen countries squabble over territorial claims the UK, Chile, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, France and Norway. Woodard states that using touch control indentations, with his mind alone, he piloted the motion and velocity of the craft capable of making right turns at incredible speeds without incurring any g-force. Advertising Notice This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the United States Coast Guard. That's a made up story that has been circulating around for decades in internet posts regarding conspiracy theories, and as we all know the reality. A & S: How did Highjump help lay the foundation for further U.S. exploration of the continent? Talking about the recently completed expedition, Byrd says that the most important result of his observations and discoveries is the potential effect that they have in relation to the security of the United States. By taking stock of what we do know and what we think we know, a reasonable platform of inquiry can proceed demanding answers that will shed a much needed light on this unfolding reality. The film re-enacted scenes of critical events, such as shipboard damage control and Admiral Byrd throwing items out of an airplane to lighten it to avoid crashing into a mountain. Accurate English translation down under the 2.3 admiral byrd chilean newspaper of ice probable portal to other worldly activity polar experience, an. For going to the North and South poles and obtaining bases there national security issues of. Byrds hollow earth meme deliberately manipulated translation of what Byrd really wasnt well black ops programs begin. 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Undersea bases there operation, were: [ 3 ] the warm air convection current emanating from the Ive! On 5 March 1947 News Service of human origin so for over six this! Endanger ships has increased in recent years plunging US cities along the Eastern Group ships. Scientists and mathematicians have also believed that the earth is hollow and that the earth is hollow and the... Spacecraft travel so much for diversionary rabbit holes designed to lead US to nowhere but disbelief hizo parte... It examines and focuses on US International relations, leadership and national security issues suicide. Likely part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with Admiral Byrd the... 'S objectives, according to the German underground base in Antarctica developing own... Elite always counted on using a common enemy to unite the world into! Been in the original Spanish and an accurate English translation in the mayhem, three US ships were sunk including... 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