christian voter guide colorado

So I volunteered with Church Voter Guides. We should stick to that. Ballot Information Booklet (Blue Book) The purpose of the ballot information booklet is to provide voters with the text, title, and a fair and impartial analysis of each initiated or referred constitutional amendment, law, or question on the ballot. Their goal is to destroy the domestic energy industry. I think private charity is more effective than government welfare. I now claim born again Christianity. The role of the government is to protect rights and liberties not force people to do things that violates their conscience. He was also serving as the Vicar General for the Diocese of Grand Island. If anything, the legislators should be repealing legislation that has failed to meet expectations. Our Call to Faithfulness: The Voice and Legacy of Don Wildmon $ 10 Dangerous Affirmation: The Threat of "Gay Christianity" by M.D. We also turn our users into grassroots activists by providing them with promotional business cards and other materials to distribute. Citizens, especially prayerful Catholics, are required to participate in the political process with well-formed consciences.". No one should benefit from the treating only certain people when their compensation comes from the taxes of all. I will be done in two years as this is not a career choice; it is a civic duty I feel called to. Our faith maintains a hierarchy of values when voting on candidates and issues. If this also becomes the case for reproductive health providers, whether they prescribe/perform abortion services or not, I would be open to attracting providers the same as we would to fill any other need. I am unsure of your definition of basic human needs. If the government would get out of the way of the church and business, people would be able to keep more money and not rely on the government. Love who you love, beyond recognition the Government should not be involved in Marriage. The foundational models for CO2 require an adjustment exceeding 15%, rendering them useless for predicting the variations of less than 1% that will supposedly send the climate careening into catastrophe. . He graduated from Grand Island Central Catholic High School in 1985. This sounds amiguous. I will commit to restoring the parents bill of rights, make any possession of fentanyl, heroin, etc a felony, and repeal this extreme abortion bill. While I am non-religious myself, Ive found that I share significant overlap in humanist values with people of several faith traditions: welcoming the stranger, supporting the poor, and sharing resources equitably to make our society more just. Until the insurance industry is compelled into a free market, our stalemate remains. In 1999, he was invited by then Archbishop Charles Chaput to teach in the newly launched St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver, and to serve as Associate Pastor of St. Therese Parish in Aurora. We achieve religious freedom as Roman Catholics by fully respecting the US Constitution and associated documents (e.g Decl. I was raised Catholic. However, the best welfare and support for the poor is the local community and churches. All welfare needs to have a work component so as to build self reliance, skills and encourage opportunities. He then spent one year as a Jesuit lay missionary volunteer at Red Cloud Indian School on the Native American Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. The free enterprise system is our greatest attribute in this country. What to know: Here's a breakdown of four of the measures. I am greatly concerned about the dangers faced by illegal immigrants who travel the thousands of miles from their homes to come to an uncertain future in America. Government can only ensure provision for basic human needs if those resources are first coerced from another, which is theft regardless of intentions. I can only deny those Rights to others by denying their status as Creator endowed, which precariously denies them to myself as well. tarrant county conservative voter guide 2022. While I personally disagree with the RHEA, the act is consistent with what the majority of Coloradans have voted for on citizen initiatives. Biblical voter offers a collection of resources including Christian Voter Guides that are state specific and align with Biblical values. our direct promotions have all been focused on the Pikes Peak region, so these statistics primarily represent our impact in Colorado Springs / El Paso County, Church Voter Guides primary mission is to activate the local Church to civic engagement in elections and beyond, and we are experiencing wonderful results! They also include economic and fiscal issues including the estate tax, "Cap and Trade Energy Taxes," and the . Jesus said this, and never mentioned abortions or homosexuality. I believe victims should be protected first and foremost. The state should not pick winners and losers. These individual rights are protected by the 1st Amendment. 770-622-1501 . RHEA promotes and protects Feticide. Parents freedom to choose how and where to educate their children must continue to be protected. I was raised Roman Catholic and believe that Jesus would agree Never let your perceived beliefs keep you from extending compassion on your charges It is not ours to judge. I am a Roman Catholic who shares the values of the churchs teachings. It provides a Biblical understanding of why Christians should vote and is a great resource to equip and encourage Christians to register and vote in the elections. After his ordination, Bishop-designate Berg served as parochial vicar of St. Michael Catholic Church in Bedford, Texas from 1999 to 2001. Although I detest the ease of accessibility of such smut I do not believe censorship of any kind of content despite appropriateness should be an actionable policy of any government. Latest News Voter Guides 2018 admin - June 16, 2016 0 We need measured legislators in office, people who will consider all sides of the issues and make policy decisions that take into account unintended consequences. I am a pro-life fiscal conservative that believes in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Medical providers should not be required to provide health care services thats against their moral or religious values. It is not the role of the government to redefine marriage. To support this right, our immigration laws need serious reform to guarantee basic human needs are met, productive work at proper compensation is available to anyone willing to do the work, and a clear and simple pathway to citizenship. We cannot and should not put the safety of law-abiding citizens at risk. to help voters throughout Colorado understand their ballots and helpful information about how to vote. A guiding scripture passage is Psalm 116:12 which proclaims: How can I repay the LORD for all the great good done for me? Bishop Golka was Ordained a Bishop in Colorado Springs on June 29, 2021. The government should have no say. If there are any errors, please don't hesitate contact editors Luige . Repeal and revision for reconsideration. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Sanctity of Life: Human life must be protected at all stages from conception until natural death. Humana once sold me a policy with no doctors in it. We are truly a grassroots organization, and so depend greatly on word-of-mouth to promote us around Colorado. And I believe the words of Matthew 25:40 do not just apply to personal decision, but also to decision made in the capacity of a public official. But we can not foster a state or permanent dependency, and should favor assistance to whole families. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Remember, in Colorado, you can register to vote and vote, in-person, all the way up until 7 p.m. on Election Day (that's Nov. 2). I believe that the government should not prevent willing people from working and should provide a clear pathway to citizenship. This is no longer Acceptable practice. I was thrilled with the results of the school board election. Were nonpartisan and therefore 501c3 compliant, so its easy and safe for churches and other 501c3 organizations to share us with their members. There is a legal pathway to all who lawfully into this nation. Before the Great Society, safety nets were largely provided by the local community and local churches, which provided for immediate well-being and naturally incentivized and encouraged seeking productive work situations. These guides cover the expected social issues like abortion, marriage, and gay rights. If the legislators put this into law, it would draw illegal immigrants and drain the resources for our schools and hospitals as it has already done in communities across the nation. I will do my utmost to protect the individual rights of Coloradans in HD-16. I am a wife, mother, Registered Nurse, friend and neighbor. 2022 Evaluations Please click on your county below to find the district and county judges, if any, standing for retention in your judicial district. If we allow this to become law, then all of our freedoms will be gone forever. In the end, my friends in faith are also blessed with the same free will that I have. Far too often, our justice system simply throws people away and then fails to provide even basic opportunities or tools to rehabilitate and return to society. Pope Francis appointed Father Rodriguez as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Denver on August 25, 2016 and was ordained on November 4, 2016 on the feast of St. Charles Borromeo, the patron saint of bishops. We should have strong incentives t believe charitable organizations are better suited to provide services than the government. I will work to make pathways off of welfare and to a prosperous life. Allowing the private sector the opportunity to invest in our future energy solutions will advance technology and create wealth. I would support families in using their 529 savings to educate their children and their choice of which schools to attend. These radicals want control above all else. I was twenty-five years in the Denver Sheriff and this topic was the goal of many various community programs. pornography is exploitive, damaging and addictive (enslaving); it is also associated with abuse, extortion and human trafficking, undermining the Rights of all participants. There is a reason that this amendment is first. Supreme Court Preempted states on this issue. Families need legislatures to stand up and defend their rights as parents. I would go farther and suggest we ratchet down access to much internet content for children under 18. Below you'll find a comprehensive non-partisan guide (with many links!) Choose a state for registration, voting information, and guides. No. I believe marriage is an institution of the church, not the state. Updated Jun 28, 2022. I will always stand up for your religious freedom. I believe in a persons freedom to exercise their sincerely held religious beliefs, privately, publicly, and in their businesses. Become a citizen should be top priority and a plan to assimilate and thrive should be in place when coming to America, it is not the role of government to guarantee outcomes. Make a plan to cast your biblically-informed vote right here. It brings dignity to the individual and enhances self esteem. Your ballot will also include all appellate judges standing for retention. This guide focuses on contested primary races, whose outcome will ultimately decide the contours - and decisions - of our executive and legislative bodies. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1999 by his maternal uncle Bishop Joseph L. Charron, C.PP.S, S.T.D, now the Bishop Emeritus of Des Moines. Go to to check the status of your ballot. Marriage is a religious ceremony between a man and a woman. I do agree rehabilitation and prevention are important components in criminal justice reform. Law enforcement officers who abuse their power or mistreat ordinary citizens should be held accountable. Your Christian Guide to Vote in the 2022 Midterm Elections Sep 22 Election Day: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 STEP 1: Choose the political party and candidates that more closely align with your Biblical values. We can look work towards incorporating alternatives but we must also continue to use oil, gas, and coal. Help educate others by distributing voter guides! Christian Voter Guide - Voting For, Not Against, Your Values: 3 Things You Should Know Election ForumSeptember 22, 2022 Election, Government, Politics, Voter Guide 6 Comments The November midterm voter 2022 guide is now live. I think everyone can agree that late term abortions should only be allowed if the life of the mother is in question. Our tax dollars should never be used to threaten our religious rights. We must work to use the resources God has given us in a way that will protect the earth, but the prosperity of Gods children is also a high concern. FILE - TCU quarterback Chandler Morris scrambles out of the pocket during an NCAA college football game against Baylor in Fort Worth, Texas, Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021. Pornography should not be made available through public schools. I want to get drugs off the street and protect our kids and families. He served as Director for the Office of Liturgy and Master of Ceremonies in the Archdiocese of Denver from 1990 until 1995. We can not allow separation of church and state to emasculate the Church. Voter Guides. I will support making Colorado a leader in advanced nuclear power to provide a permanent solution to the energy problem, and allow fossil fuels to be used for better purposes than burning them to make power. Meaning should an able-bodied recipient max out the full 5 years, they must work or wait an additional 10 years to be eligible to recieve again. I am a Christian and family man. So we should continue that. The government should have no role in the matter. Peters went even further than just offering up full-time crazy talk. It should protect patients from egregious providers. our direct promotions have all been focused on the Pikes Peak region, so these statistics primarily represent our impact in Colorado Springs / El Paso County. I found Church Voter Guides when my pastor invited volunteers to set up a table at our church. colorado-reproductive-health-, No. Candidate for the Colorado Republican Party chair position Tina Peters, right, and fellow candidates from left, Erik Aadland, Casper Stockham and Aaron Wood, listen during a debate sponsored by . Private k-12 education > current state of CO public school system. I support DACA, but adults who come here illegally should not be able to jump in line ahead of those who follow the law. Dont we have laws that do that now? Preventing crime is a near impossibility. Green energy is not green, except in funneling cash primarily to China which, in accordance to the Paris Accords, burns as much dirty coal as it wants to produce our solar panels and windmills, which will likely never offset the power used in their production. He asked Whom should I send? I answered, Send me. I will wholeheartedly represent the people of House District 62 and respect them. I would cap welfRe benefits (to the able-bodied) to a five year maximum within a 15 year period. The Idea of environmentally friendly policy is not the goal of these radicals. Upon Bishop Vanns installation as Bishop of Orange, then Monsignor Berg was elected diocesan administrator in December 2012 by the College of Consultors for the Diocese. Unfortunately it has proven beyond the capacity for government to effectively and compassionately care for those needing a helping hand since Government programs are incentivized to create government dependence. Coloradans dont believe in the government policing our bodies or bedrooms. Education reform and funding is on my target list to tackle in my first term when elected. Bishop Golka is the fourth of ten children born September 22, 1966, to Robert and Patricia Golka. Since 2014, he has served as pastor of Holy Cross Parish in Thornton, Colorado, and he continues to teach the seminarians as well as the permanent diaconate candidates. Our state has forgotten this. Things are getting too crazy NOT to step up. Mail ballots will be sent to all registered Colorado voters beginning Oct. 8, and can be returned through the mail or via ballot drop boxes. Environmentally friendly must be extracted from ideologically constrained. The best way to lower the cost of energy is to stop preventing the extraction of natural gas and declassify CO2 as a pollutant, since it is literally the building block of plant growth. Charity cannot be coerced, but that is the only means by which the government can obtain money to perpetuate a poor imitation of the Christian charity it intends to supplant. Unless her pregnancy is a direct and imminent threat to her life, he should not be in any danger of losing his own. The Christian Alliance of America with Bill Federer will . Patient centered care is absolutely crucial. Restrictions for everyone would be against the First Amendment. Therefore I dont think we need a state law. In total, there are more than 5,414 Catholic youths under religious instruction in the Diocese of Colorado Springs. Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the churchs failure to disciple. It is not the responsibility of the government to set moral boundaries. If you have any questions about the evaluations or concerns please contact us at (303) 928-7777. He was ordained Dec. 24, 1987. Pornography is satans weapon of mass destruction, I believe the law should encourage pathways to citizenships and legal work, but I believe it is the church and private entities that should support welfare, Colorados energy policy should encourage private investment and competition and focus on sustainable solutions, Yes. I favor school choice in all its ramifications. Free people need a moral compass only derived from a foundation in a faith. I will fight to ensure that schools are completely transparent with the parents of the students. We do not need a Government involved in most of our lives. I will uphold the constitution. I think this is a great strategy to be used to break up the government school monopoly. He is the son of Connie and Jeanne Berg and the oldest of 10 children. He is the son of Nery Maria Novelo and Ramon Rodriguez (deceased), and he has onebrother and four sisters, who live in Merida. 122 would legalize psychedelic mushrooms for personal use for individuals over 21. But while 88% of registered Democrats said stricter laws would be somewhat or strongly effective, that share dropped to 61% among non-party voters and plunged to 20% for registered Republicans. Immigrants should come legally to this country first. Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child. In conjunction with securing the Right to Life of the pre(& post)-born human, the government has an obligation to the mother in ensuring appropriate obligations are held against the father, and severe deterrent punishments against those committing rape or incest. Also I believe in religious freedom, They will find my core beliefs closely align with their core beliefs. I believe in the sanctity of life at all stages. We need God fearing legislatures creating and defending legislation that upholds our values. Your Colorado 2022 Voter Guide is a team effort, made possible by the following: Reporters: Jesse Paul, Sandra Fish. Church Voter Guides, based in Colorado Springs, has produced these Voter Guides for the Federal, States, and El Paso County Primary Elections in Colorado, to provide information about each candidate and help inform the electorate. The diocese has 82 priests, 85 Deacons and 15 men in seminary formation. Abortion is the premeditated murder of a child. With obvious exceptions such as abuse of children and minors, I dont believe the government should engage in censorship. immigrants who are illegal may need help with human needs, but they should be deported and encouraged to follow legal channels to immigration. As a libertarian, I believe that ALL investment in our energy sector should be private investments, thoughtfully incentivized. I WILL ABSOLUTELY sponsor and vote to repeal this disgusting act. On our Focus on the Family Broadcast "My Passion for the Harvest," we're airing a recorded message by Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California and founder of Harvest Crusades, which has reached over nine million people since the 90s. I stand for my Father in Heaven and the mercy He has bestowed on our State. Termination of pregnancy is a matter for the mother and her doctor. Of course. In addition, we need to protect all individuals rights and freedoms, not just some peoples rights. I will be a servant leader who will bring principled and common-sense solutions to the State Capitol so that people and businesses can thrive and become the best version of themselves. I have served my country in combat and have seen the evil that tyrannical and Godless governments have imposed on their people. We must ask whether the life of a child is as important as his mothers convenience. He also enjoys helping to provide ongoing formation events for the clergy of the diocese to care for the wellbeing of his brother priests. However, if the bill was pushed farther to infringe on the rights of religious freedom, I would disagree. Our greatness comes from recognizing that God, not government or rulers, gave us our rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The diocese and its parishes provide religious education and formation to more than 9,000 students. I believe our friends and neighbors are in a desparate search for guidance and leadership based in viable solution to legitimate problems and not the typical political rhetoric weve grown accustomed to. He was the dean of the Theology Department of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome (1994-1997). All the amendments which are changes to the state Constitution require 55% for approval. Question is too broad for me to be able to provide an answer. Until greater attention is truly given to determining why people are committing crimes, then the focus of rehabilitation is moot. While there are a host of important issues at play in any election, no issue of more preeminent than the violent killing of thousands of unborn children every day in our nation. Although I stand as a candidate, the aided Write-in vote for Alexander Mugatu will be a vote in aid of us all! In any case, if the Colorado legislature tried to restrict the first amendment, it would be eventually overturned by the US Supreme Court (if it is actually functioning properly). Funding is per pupil and should follow each pupil! No the government should not be incentivizing abortion. Guests who enter by the door have a legitimate expectation of compassion, but those who break in though a window should be politely shown that door and told to follow the law and common courtesy by requesting permission to enter. As State Senator, I will work with our congressional delegation to do just that for those waiting in the queue. Help us share the Voter Guide through your ministry. I love God with all my mind, heart and spirit. I am not a politician. He graduated from Creighton University in 1989 with degrees in Philosophy and Theology. If the current administration would allow our oil and gas production, we would not have an energy crisis. Viva Christo Rey. 615 Macon Ave., Room LL6 Caon City, CO 81212 (fax) 719-276-7338 Bishop Golka looks forward to continued growth and expansion in the diocese. I support an all-of-the-above energy policy. He earned a Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 1973 and a Master of Music from Eastern New Mexico University in Portales in 1975. The bureaucracy of the PUC is out of control. No $1 bails or other get of jail free cards. We are truly a grassroots organization, and so depend greatly on word-of-mouth to promote us around Colorado. This is sacred. I am a proponent of small government and responsible, individual liberty. I am the most liberty orientated candidate on the ballot. Expand and strengthen the Mercy seat, enforce and increase sentencing. Again, this should not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE be considered a function of government! I believe strongly in prison education to ensure prisoners have something to turn to when they get out, allowing them to become productive members of society while also saving money by keeping them out of prison in the future. It should be patient, and science centered. This is why I ask for your faith and support as we endeavor in our pursuit of the greatest Colorado yet Pray for Pueblo, Pray for Colorado and may God continue his many blessings of our great nation! Feticide is a violation of Human Rights, not something to pursue as a growth industry. Should welfare policy provide a safety-net to improve the immediate well-being of the poor and encourage work? Colorado ballots are being sent out to all registered voters. Yes. The Corado General Assembly significantly overreached with such a heinous and barbaric policy. I do believe in the first amendment and the freedom of religion. This idea is a direct attack to our freedom under the First Amendment. I am not opposed to civil contractual arrangements between same sex partners. DeSantis has signed a bill to give himself control of Walt Disney World's self-governing district, punishing the company over its opposition to the so-called "Don't Say Gay" law. I advocate to support their journey to financial independence. Please Pray and Vote. Ultimately, we should provide them with the skills and resources they need to be contributing members of society. Along with this and the self-evident understanding that we are all created equal has unleashed human potential. We saw people denied critical health care during the pandemic who refused the experimental gene therapy. Position is consistent with Catholic Social Teaching, Position is not consistent with Catholic Social Teaching, Adrienne BenavidezAlex ValdezAlice Marie Saven-EdmondAlvin SextonAmy Lunde Andrew BoeseneckerAnthony HartsookArik DoughertyBarbara McClachlanBetteRose RyanBlake GarnerBob HenryBraeden MiguelBrandon McDowellBrian BakkumBrianna TitoneByron PeltonCathy KippChris KennedyClayton CasciatoColby DreschelColin LarsonCraig JonesDafna Michaelson JenetDan MontoyaDan WoogDaniel LutzDaryl KuiperDave DonelsonDave WooleverDavid BuckleyDavid OrtizDavid StahlkeDean FlandersDonald HowellDonald OsbornDonna WalterDylan RobertsElisabeth EppsEliza HamrickElizabeth VelascoEmily SirotaEric BrodyEric JossFaith WinterFred CliffordGuillermo DiazHilleary WatersHugh McKeanIman JodehJanice MarchmanJanice RichJavier MabreyJaylen MosqueiraJennifer BaconJennifer ParentiJenny WillfordJessie DanielsonJoe JohnsonJohn KaufmanJohn SuttonJohnnie JohnsonJordan FriedmanJudith Amabile Julie GonzalesJulie McCluskieJunie JosephJustin SavoyKaren McCormickKathleen ConwayKathryn GreenKevin AllenKevin GulbransonKevin KunsKevin van WinkleKolten MontgomeryKurt HuffmanKyle FureyKyle MullicaLesie Herod Lindsey DaughertyLisa CholletLisa Cutter Lisa FrizellMandy LindsayMarc CatlinMarc SnyderMark BaisleyMary Bradfield Mary YoungMatt SniderMatt SolomonMatt SoperMatthew MartinezMeg FroelichMeghan LukensMichael GiallombardoMike LynchMike WeissmanMonica DuranNaquetta RicksNick HinrichsenPaul LundeenPerry WillRegina EnglishRichard HoltorfRichard WebsterRick TaggartRob RogersRob WoodwardRobert MarshallRobert RodriguezRobert StutzRod PeltonRuby DicksonRuby MartinezRyan GonzalezSaid SharbiniSavannah WolfsonSerena Gonzales-GutierrezShana BlackShannon BirdSheila LiederShelli ShawSpring EricksonStacie DoughertyStephanie HancockStephanie LuckStephanie WheelerStephen DarnellSteven WoodrowTammy StoryTara MenzaTisha MauroTodd DennisonTom CowhickTom KimTom SullivanTony ExumTracey BernettTracey JohnsonTravis NelsonTroy BrekkeVanessa DeMottWilliam Lindstedt. 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christian voter guide colorado

christian voter guide colorado

christian voter guide colorado