please be informed in a sentence

What's the definition of Please be informed in thesaurus? You should only use advised here as it is the verb form to refer to giving someone advice. (185) If you read good books, you will be well-informed. In the first example, I becomes the subject, and the reader becomes the direct object. Please take note of the following issues. Sentences are everywhere. Is the phrase "various information" grammatically correct? Ex: your company has launched a new line of product and you want to send an email to introduce and market it to your regular customer who may be interested, Ex: your company has decided to change a little bit about the packing of your product, you need to tell your clients and partners about this change, Ex: you bought a new photocopy machine for the office and need to write an email to instruct your employees how to use it. Pricing This is great to use if you want to be more friendly with the recipient. Example: Even though this option sends across the same message, it is less formal than please be advised and please be notified. You see, please be advised relies on the passive voice, whereas we would like to notify you uses the active voice. For starters, you might choose to use please be advised if you want to highlight important information that may be lost otherwise in a sea of other information. Yet, you might also choose to hint at your frustration through the letter. The inmate, John Montenegro Cruz was convicted of murder in 2003, but is arguing he should be allowed to present a new case because the jury that convicted him was not informed that he would be ineligible for parole should they give him a life sentence. The business communications we would use please be informed are more often between parties of similar standing. A flexible and sensitive approach will be taken to how and when the RT will obtain informed consent. If you use please be informed and nothing else, the reader will anticipate more information. Enclose or offer additional information for those readers who want detail, or refer them to a Website where more information can be found. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldnt be able to understand what Im saying to you at all. Wish is used to keep it formal and respectful, while inform is the direct verb used to share information. To inform is to provide knowledge to another party about a particular matter. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. (112) Define "be informed of" in one sentence, define "be informed of" in one word. Each paragraph should start with the topic sentence introducing the topic of the paragraph. (67) My wersion:Before arrival of the clients who are at key level, the relevant departments shall hold conference to be informed of important issues. Please pay attention to the following information. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. Because the subject of an imperative clause does not need to be stated, there is no need to add anything before please be informed in a sentence. Sentences are more than just strings of words. But using a real notebook is quite out of date already. (183) It was necessary that my uncle should be informed. When writing to another party to communicate a change of terms, initiate a course of action, or resolve a dispute, you want to make sure the reader does not miss certain information. Engine room will, Secondly, in the attainment of each learning outcome pupils must, My wersion:Before arrival of the clients who are at key level, the relevant departments shall hold conference to, If the contract has a duration of more than six months, the worker must, It is not known precisely where angels dwell whether in the air, the void, or the planets. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. He expired on the 29th of November 1872. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Before we dive into the next step if youre on the way to learning English, especially for practical purposes such as writing emails, preparing presentations, etc. We use imperative clauses to express a command, suggestion, or instruction to the reader. But if you learn whole sentences with "be informed of", instead of the word "be informed of" by itself, you can learn a lot faster! Is the phrase "Please be informed that" grammatically correct? Hi! We will also explore situations where a different phrase is more suitable and review the grammar of imperative clauses. Use please be informed in formal writing when regulation or contract requires notice or when the information conveyed is necessary for performing future actions. I am writing in reply to your phone call requesting information about how to use eJOY eXtension when watching videos on Youtube, Facebook, or Netflix. It is correct to say, please be informed. This imperative clause directs the readers attention to a particular term, condition, or instruction that affects the readers action or the relationship with the writer. In this example, the bank is documenting that a prior request has been satisfied. Write it in a couple of lines. "Please be aware that the event will be cancelled in the event of rain". Its used to tell someone you will inform them of something important (often negatively). - 20 examples of simple sentences "be informed of". Yes it's grammatical. (55) Surely modern women want to be informed of world current affairs; we are no longer chained to the kitchen sink! (60) Bosun, you must bring portable extinguishers. type: All Declarative For example, you wouldnt write, Please be informed of the attached fee schedule or Please be informed of the updates listed below. Instead, you will use a more suitable phrase to refer to details and additional information that cannot fit into a single sentence. Anecdotally, I have also been informed by neighbours that the internal walls in these houses are non-supporting. Comma Before or After Regardless: Rules & Tips. Lists. Use please be informed at the beginning of a sentence, followed by a subordinate clause containing the referenced information. 0. (31) I agree wholeheartedly that parents need to be informed of their children's progress. (187) A cornet, hearing the story, informed his commander. And that, for Allah, is easy. (24) The law requires that you be informed of all results and recommendations. It has come to our attention is a formal way of letting someone know that something applies to them and that youve heard it through other means. . Are the following sentences grammatically correct? Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause. (13) The work force should be informed of the likely changes in good time. We generally use please be informed in formal or semi-formal written communication. I want you to know that your complaints have been noted. I created this site to share high-quality research-based content on kids, parenting and navigating the school system. (74) Those who disbelieve have claimed that they will never be resurrected. Please be aware that you only have a few more days to complete this task. . I want you is used here to show that its your personal request for them to know about it. It shows that you might have something important to say to them without panicking them by the content. Ex: I am writing in reply to your request for information regarding our companys new tour from Hanoi to Singapore. (27) The Company representative must be informed of any changes in the following. (44) The group hopes to be informed of the results of dye tests on the sewage works effluent. For your information, we have left it open and do not know who will fill the role. Just Save the names you like by clicking on the heart shape on the bottom right corner. Tihany's contribution to the recent expansion of The Joule builds on a sensuous hospitality experience, After the fall of Vicksburg in July 1863, General Kirby Smith in Texas was, The reasons for his departure remain unclear, but it is believed that he found out via the media before being, This absorbing doorstopper from acclaimed biographer Adam Sisman promises to change that with a study, Thus, Jay's main historical actors are traditionalists on the one hand and scholarship, This was causing him social problems as it was embarrassing for him and his mother had been, Interventions must be carefully designed and compressively consider the interacting personal and structural factors identified and, Of course, Frederick's plan failed, and Voltaire was duly, Now of this reef lying exactly in the middle of the fairway they were, Not at the present moment, if I am credibly, Visitors can see how O'Donoghue's painting is, The fact that Lady Wetherby, as she had been, I have just met our chambermaid on the stairs, and been, My father was absent from home at the time of my arrival, and I was. (32) Should a serious crisis arise, the public would have to be informed of what it means. Bear in mind that you are the only person who has come to us with this. I hope I have answered some of your questions. good sentence like quote, proverb). At the time, Tubbs was two weeks shy of 18 and and identified as a male named James. (12) Hope to be informed of conferences and seminars on Canadian studies. It shows that someone should be aware of certain changes or problems in your email. From the Cambridge English Corpus Each essay offers subtle and well-informed readings, with just slight waverings here and there. Why is the article "the" used in "He invented THE slide rule"? It implies that someone should remember the information shared with them as you might come back to it later. This keeps the recipient engaged and attentive. The Meaning Behind 16 Job Application Statuses Revealed! For your information is a decent phrase used formally to show that certain information applies to somebody. Please take note is a simple alternative to use here. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. " To keep greetings simple, here are some suggestions for what you can use in 90% of business situations: However, it is incorrect to use please be informed to direct the reader to information that is separated from the clause or contained elsewhere in your communication. (100) What do you mean by "be informed of"? As you can tell, please be advised not only highlights the important information, but it also offers a brief break for the reader, an opportunity to break away from the momentum of the writing and focus on sobering facts. Your business partner: to introduce a product or service, Your employee: to announce an employees achievement, announce an office or store closing to employees, announce the companys new policy, introduce a new employee, etc, Types of information we might need to inform, About a new policy/notice/announcement/change in the business, About a new policy/notice/announcement/change in the company. Its sort of acts like a pause button that tells the reader as good as this information may seem, you need to be aware that. About us For example, you might provide notice before or after completing a specific action, depending on the situation. (95) Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "be informed of". : Hearing these expressions the audience is, as it were, invited to read the scene informed by an Africanist perspective. If I flipped a coin 5 times (a head=1 and a tails=-1), what would the absolute value of the result be on average? You could use any of these phrases in place of please be informed and achieve the same level of formality. Since we dont have the authority to command the other party to read this notice, we use a phrase that conveys an instruction or recommendation to the reader. Other ways to say "please be advised" are "please understand," "wish to inform you," and "please note." These work well in formal and informal capacities. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. Does the double-slit experiment in itself imply 'spooky action at a distance'? 0. Sincerely, (71) He returned to Paris shortly afterwards on the summons of Louis XVI., but he was not sufficiently in the confidence of the court to be informed of the projected flight to Varennes. If a sentence doesnt have a subject and a verb, it is not a complete sentence (e.g., In the sentence Went to bed, we dont know who went to bed). Please understand is great to use as another way to say please be advised. It doesnt use the impersonal be advised, allowing the reader to accept the information easier. Email:, All those who are immediately involved will, 1. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy. Imagine reading Please be informed that the potluck lunch has been rescheduled in a newsletter. The latter implies authority, so the 'you' becomes an object. Review 3 sentence examples with Please Be Informed That to better understand the usage of Please Be Informed That in context. This expression is fairly common in academic circles. You may use bear synonymously with keep. It implies that someone should bear some information in mind from your email. At Linguablog, we try to take a middle of the road approach. However, it contains only one independent clause. Generally, this phrase shows that you know someone doesn't have the information you want to share already. Again, without sentences, theres no real communication. Use please be informed only at the beginning of a sentence followed by a subordinate clause containing the information. New slang & idioms are frequently updated for our users. A Jasper County judge granted a 35-year-old man a 10-year suspended sentence Monday on a conviction for shooting another man in the arm more than three years ago in Joplin. (33) An applicant who passes the Admission Test will be informed of the date of interview. After consultation with my Generals and military experts, the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. military.. Engine room will be informed of standby fire mains in the event of emergency. Read on to learn more about ways to use please be informed. We will use multiple examples to examine the scenarios that prompt us to use this imperative clause. Unlike many other common translation tools that can only translate texts, you can look up any word or phrase directly on the subtitles of the video once installed eJOY eXtension to Chrome. I realize that you have been swamped during the past couple of days with the massive workload you are carrying. Example: Let us tell you how to write an email to inform something in this simple guideline. This may encourage them to take a mental (or physical) note. Languages have always been my passion and I have studied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Sinology at the University of Zurich. Exclamative, structure: All Simple (66) My wersion:Before arrival of the clients who are at key level, the relevant departments shall hold conference to be informed of important issues. Ex: Since I write describes an action, this is acceptable. (102) What is the best definition of "be informed of"? to logically connect sentences and paragraphs. Is It Correct to Say Please See Below Email? You could also say "For your information, the event will be cancelled in the event of rain" or "Please be aware the event will be cancelled in the event of rain" but the lack of 'that' makes it less formal. (80) If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what "be informed of" is, what would you say? It is a formal way of highlighting important or relevant information. (52) 2The police were not to be informed of any of these arrangements or to be involved in the payoff in any way. Hello Captain America, To all students and teachers, Please note that as of Monday, May 28, school will end for students at 12:30 and for teachers at 2:00. Is It Correct to Say Please Find Below? "Please be aware that the event will be cancelled in the event of rain". This time, kindly is used to remain polite and respectful while the recipient learns from the information provided. eJOY Extension is an excellent tool to learn English on a desktop. For those who are more likely to use smartphones, eJOY Epic is a great app for learning English with step-by-step courses generated from authentic videos. Using the imperative be conveys an instruction, command, or suggestion to the reader commensurate with the readers relationship with the writer. For many, it may even come across as redundant seeing as you are already advising them when you are giving them the relevant information. An office, school, or hospital might use this sentence to alert visitors to a change in operations so they can plan their visits accordingly. Both expressions are formal terms used in business and legal writing. Business Japanese: More Than Just Vocabulary! (formal) I'd like to inform you about the recent price changes. Do not hesitate to contact me should you require further assistance. If the recipient is your partner, be as formal and polite as possible. As stated earlier, please be informed is in the passive voice. (15) The physician should be informed of abdominal distention and rigidity. Please be advised that the committee automatically lost its import upon the repeal of the order with the issuance of EO 410. The free dictionary by is one of world's most trusted online dictionary for English and Persian word definitions, meanings, sentence examples, pronunciation, and number in words. This type of email will confuse so many people because there are too many cases and it seems like doesnt have any format at all. It is in the passive voice despite the active voice preference for most semi-formal correspondence today. It sounds too impersonal and businesslike for the occasion. Keep in your words book format words and phrases, then youll easily apply them every day in every situation. (86) What Is "be informed of"? (18) Hope to be informed of conferences and seminars on Canadian studies. Would you like to discuss this? It only takes a minute to sign up. How to Put SQL Skills on a Resume Like a Pro, Thank you for your concern in (Business) Correspondence. Every idea in the paragraph should be justified and developed (with examples, explanations, consequences). For the reader to be informed, something or someone must actively notify the reader. Please be informed and inform us, kindly. We met at the Business Conference in Ho Chi Minh City last weekend and discussed ways my company could help you prevent evils from taking over the world. When writing informally, use alternative phrases that convey a friendly and relaxed tone. Is Dear All Appropriate In A Work Email? When speaking or writing to someone you personally know or for a casual purpose, you do not need as much formality in your writing. If thats a customer, besides being helpful and polite, you should be friendly and give them a pleasant impression. We utilise semantic representation of each sentence to generate semantically informed sentence embeddings for extrinsic evaluation of the proposed semantic parser, in particular for the semantic textual similarity task. Otherwise, you can use the formal To Whom It May Concern greeting. Sincerely, 'Please be informed' is common, but rather jargon-y. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples However, it is mainly used when giving negative information or warning someone about their work ethic or behaviour. "John . End the mail with the classics Regards, Best or Sincerely. synonyms. True, there are still words that you dont know. With that, Lutes was sorely disappointed when he contacted the U.S. Treasury Department about the coin only to receive their standard reply: "In regard to your recent inquiry, According to Huawei, a FedEx customer service representative in Vietnam replied to their inquiry on May 22 when two expected packages did not arrive on time, saying: ". When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as English meaning of the word "be informed of"; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, theres a better way for you to learn meaning of "be informed of" through sentence examples. Some situations require disclosure, while others benefit from it. (28) The school should be informed of any changes in address and telephone number. Personal feelings Intermediate 1 Speaking session 2, Business Meeting Intermediate Speaking session 01, Why the IPA is different in some dictionaries and what to, 6 Website T Hc Digital Marketing Online Cho Ngi Mi Bt, Top 15 Must-watch English Movies for Beginners, For Kids: Learn English through Film with 11 Famous Cartoon Movies, Customer Appreciation Program For eJOYs Users, IELTS Writing Task 1: Common Types of Question, IELTS Reading Key Facts, Essential Tips and Skills for Success, What is Streak? Its a polite phrase because it uses please with the more friendly take note. Its good to use this if you dont want to intimidate the recipient with the information you might have to share. Please Understand Here is an email sample to help you out with it: Wish to inform you is a very formal synonym showing that you have some information to give someone. Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution, . They dont need to hear your life story. Often, the information you introduce with please be informed is only a summary statement. Carolyn McMaster Former Adjunct Professor of Women's Studies at Texas Woman's University (2006-2019) Author has 9.4K answers and 2.3M answer views 1 y "Please be informed" isn't invariably formal, although it tends to be somewhat formal.. How formal it is would depend on the context. 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please be informed in a sentence

please be informed in a sentence

please be informed in a sentence