romans 10:8 17 commentary

(iii) But a man must not only believe in his heart; he must confess with his lips. Fair-weather sailors, who go out in their little painted perfection boats, are people who have had small temptation and little soul-trouble. In the first ten verses of Deuteronomy 30:1-20, Moses described the two paths that Israel could take: obedience that would result in great blessings or disobedience that would severely damage the nation. The word is nigh thee - This is still a use of the language of Moses. 17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. But such thoughts altogether vanish now, because, as the Gentile was unquestionably wicked and abominable, so from the law's express denunciation the Jew was universally guilty before God. How far? The resurrection was an essential of Christian belief. Have not submitted. Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness. Such is the principle. For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever.". This it was before it was his prayer. Man goes back to the righteousness of works. No trembling sinner doubts but that by the breaking of the law we are condemned: be you equally sure of it, that by not believing you are condemned. It was already among them by the preaching of the apostles, and was a subject of conversation and of thought. To the contrary, the salvation of God is as near them as their own mouths and hearts. This was the key to their difficulties this alone, and fully explains their coming ruin as well as God's solemn warnings. Witness the common joy that grace gives an apostle with saints be had never seen, so that even he should be comforted as well as they by their mutual faith. May the Lord be with you and may the blessings of the Lord surround your life as you walk with Him. They thought they needed not to be beholden to the merit of Christ, and therefore depended upon their own performances as sufficient to make up a righteousness wherein to appear before God. Now the fact that Jesus went to the cross is God's witness before the world that there is only one way that a man can come to God, and that is by the cross of Jesus Christ. Jewish pretensions were therefore disposed of; not here by new and fuller revelations, but by this divinely skilful employment of their own Old Testament Scriptures. 4. The believing and the confession of that believing in God's own way are never to be separated, for "With the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Now I take this opportunity of pressing on all that are here to beware of contracted views of "salvation." He was the promised Messiah, born King of the Jews. Of it nothing has been heard till now. He did not say, "Do and thou shalt live, and yet there is another way." The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart "that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Many times people say, "Oh, I wish I had more faith," and I think that oftentimes we almost insult God by our lack of faith.I have heard people pray, "Oh, Lord, help me to believe. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. (James 2:10-11). Christ is the end of the ceremonial law; he is the period of it, because he is the perfection of it. The extent is what God Himself, so to speak, possesses the universe of God, whatever will be under Christ: and what will not? But it is a word one must believe with all his hearta word he must believe enough to give up all hopes of self-righteousness and submit his whole being to it in faithful, obedience. No fresh revelations from God can nullify those which preceded them; but as the prophets looked onward to what was coming, so is the gospel already come, supported by the past. Observe. He shows that, on the responsible ground of being His nation, they were wholly ruined. In stormy weather our beauty and glory soon turn pale; when the devil meets us face to face, he cracks up our tinsel perfection with a blow. In doing so, he personifies righteousness based on faith. d. Glad tidings of good things: Obviously, the salvation Isaiah prophesied about could not be salvation through works or the law. "What are you?" "For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. 21). Sirs, what must I do to be saved? i. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. Let the cross pass. As Moses explains in v. 11, "What I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach." If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved: We do not gain God's righteousness by works. Even the saints there would have been all the better for the gospel. When God established His covenant with Israel, God established the various offerings that they must bring to Him for their sins. Finally he comes to two other witnesses; as from the Psalms, so now from the law and the prophets. But Paul makes it clear: There is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. The righteousness of God flows from His mercy, of course; but its character and basis is righteousness. On the contrary, it was the Jew provoked by the Gentiles "By them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you." Paul rightly observes that it all goes back to the preaching of the gospel, and preachers must be sent both by God and the Christian community at large. It would not have been righteous in any sense to have remitted the sins, until they were actually borne by One who could and did suffer for them. Now, our flesh likes the complications, because I would like to take some credit and receive some glory for salvation. Rather he means to say the same thing about the system of grace ("the righteousness which is of faith") that Moses says about the law. 47. Thirdly, we shall consider what the Scripture saith: "Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed." Accordingly he tells them now what reason he had to speak thus strongly, not of the more advanced truths, but of the good news. Christ is come, and has changed all. All Reading Plans / Revised Common Lectionary (Semicontinuous) / Genesis 21:8-21 (The rescue of Hagar and Ishmael); Psalm 86:1-10 16-17 (Prayer for deliverance); Romans 6:1b-11 (Buried and raised with Christ in baptism); Matthew 10:24-39 (The cost of discipleship) ( English Standard Version) June 25, 2023. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, alone is capable of performing the mighty works of salvation required by humanitys sinfulness, and He has already done them. There. 3). Thus it is a mistake to suppose that saints may not be benefited by a better understanding of the gospel, at least as Paul preached it. Nevertheless the apostle does not expressly mention heaven here. When you and I are no longer sinners, Christ is no longer our Savior; when you and I no more need him, then we shall not have him. Hence, then, we find that the whole chapter is founded on this truth. How shall they hear without a preacher? Experience says, and we are some of us here to say it, that it is the grandest way of living in the world. Thus the deliverance is not merely for the joy of the soul, but also for strength in our walking after the Spirit, who has given and found a nature in which He delights, communicating withal His own delight in Christ, and making obedience to be the joyful service of the believer. We also do not need people to enter into heaven to learn Gods will since this information is revealed in His word. Up also his body rose on the light of the third day; and he sojourned for forty days among his disciples. He refused. All Israel shall be saved. i. Unbelief is a non-submission to the righteousness of God, standing it out against the gospel proclamation of indemnity. But this does not content the apostle, or rather the Spirit of God; for he goes on to point out that Isaiah "is very bold" in a similar way; that is, there is no concealing the truth of the matter. It is not said to be revealed in the gospel. Now, if it was righteous in God (and who will gainsay it?) (iv) The fourth objection is: "But what if Israel did not understand?" There must be a radical submission to the righteousness of God, putting away our own righteousness. - That is, what is the language of the doctrine of justification by faith? Paul wants the Jews to be saved, but they cannot be saved while trying to create their own righteousness through law-keeping. He says his prayers every day. . (i) A man must say Jesus Christ is Lord. Concerning faith: It is with the heart that man believeth, which implies more than an assent of the understanding, and takes in the consent of the will, an inward, hearty, sincere, and strong consent. But thus the way is now clear for bringing the Jew into the discussion. The believer, whosoever he might be, should not be ashamed. We cannot speak of the state of things before the flood as a dispensation. That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. God is revealing a righteousness of His own in the gospel. It is a holy balancing pole: we can walk the narrowest line with this in our hands, and fear no fall. Outside Revelation, it only occurs here and Luke 8:31. Observe, the gospel is not simply remission of sins, nor is it only peace with God, but "the power of God unto salvation." They have plenty of zeal but little knowledge. 2 Corinthians 2:14-16, 3:4-5, 5:18-21, Exodus 19:6 Hebrews 4:14-16, Psalm 32:8 Romans 5:10-11, James 2:14-17 Proverbs 4:1-9, John 14:26 Romans 10: . A Monument for the Dead, and a Voice to the Living, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Delivered on Lord's-Day Morning, January 7th, 1883, by, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. Now there is no way in which God could lay a basis for peace with Himself more blessed than as He has done it. . Now, soul, thou hast nothing to do with asking vain questions; thou hast to accept the result of the Savior's actual performances. This is the substance of the matter Christ saves, and we trust. If we fail to equip ourselves for a task when every chance is given to us to equip ourselves adequately for it, we must stand condemned. These dear ones at this hour look back upon me and say, "Go on: preach the same gospel to others; for we found it blessed truth to die upon." The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. His soul scarce descended among the shades before it quitted them for ever; that day he died he was in Paradise, and the thief was with him there as a trophy. If you crawl on your knees for five miles to kiss the statue you can be spared several days of purgatory. This is what made the gospel to be so sweet and precious, and, what is more, absolutely necessary, if he would escape certain and eternal ruin. It was meant to make sin exceeding sinful. He was God over all blessed for ever, as well as their Messiah. This he shows further, Romans 10:3; Romans 10:3, where we may observe. But this is not the full extent of salvation. Suppose you cannot walk on the sea, like Peter: never mind; you are not called to do it. All who confess Christ as Lord, and believe in His resurrection, will be saved. We should say the best we can even of our worst enemies; this is blessing those that curse us. To this then the apostle comes, after having spoken of the divine favour shown himself, both when a sinner, and now in his own special place of serving the Lord Jesus. There is nothing that proves this so convincingly as the book of Genesis; and the apostle, by the Spirit of God, calmly but triumphantly summons the Jewish Scriptures to demonstrate that which the Jews were so strenuously denying. Such moral judgments will, no doubt, be used to leave man without excuse; they can never suit or satisfy God. A soul may as truly, no doubt, be put into relationship with God be made very happy, it may be; but it is not what Scripture calls "peace with God." Him who came in humiliation, according to their prophets, they might despise; but it was vain to deny that the same prophets bore witness to His divine glory. of The application of this was more evident to the Gentile than to the Jew. The word Kurios was and is the touchstone of faith.. The latter clause in the first verse of the authorised version mars the sense. There was no part of heathenism practically viewed now, so corrupting as that which had to do with the objects of its worship. To call Jesus kurios ( G2962) was to count him unique. Compare Romans 10:14; Romans 10:14. This Good News is readily available to anyone who will receive it freely from God through Christ. All are condemned to death (5). There must be a radical, ii. In our concern to understand what the apostle is saying about righteousness, justification, and the like we ought not to overlook his tremendous concentration on God." (Morris) i. I mean to let it stand out simply before you, that the incarnation, the life, the death, and the resurrection of Christ are the one foundation upon which we must depend for eternal salvation, and upon that alone; and if we do so depend we shall most assuredly be saved. He begins with the great epoch of the dispensations of God (that is, the ages since the flood). But if children, we are His heirs. It is not, as in Ephesians 2:1-22, dead in sins, which would be nothing to the purpose. Thus, their good works must outweigh their bad works. This is the first ground. THE DESTRUCTION OF EXCUSES ( Romans 10:14-21 ), 10:14-21 How are they to call on him on whom they have not believed? Upon what ground? c. Believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead: We must also believe this. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. 18). To say that faith-righteousness says these things simply means it is characterized by them. What He does is to pierce and penetrate the man's conscience. Its remarkable that Paul found something good to say about these Jewish people who persecuted him so mercilessly. Whoever will in the whole world believe in Christ may do so; he is neither too old or too young, or too rich, or too poor, or too wicked, or too moral; if he will but trust Christ he shall be saved, and he is fully allowed and permitted, yea, commanded to believe and live. At the same time the apostle does allude to that mystery which was not yet divulged at least, in this epistle; but he points from the foundations of eternal truth to those heavenly heights that were reserved for other communications in due time. This same term occurs again in verses 14 and 15. that is, the word of faith, which we preach -- --that is, the word which men were to believe and obey for salvation (compare 1 Timothy 4:6). Let me call your attention again to its force. And we hear it on all sides. It is true God gave them that law for which they were so zealous; but they might have known that, by the appearance of the promised Messiah, an end was put to it. For this he quotes that scripture (Leviticus 18:5), You shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, which if a man do, he shall live in them. But what does it say? Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. Christ holds it out to you: take it freely, and be rich for ever. Again, we cannot neglect the emphasis on personal responsibility. The "word of faith" is the message of justification by the system of "faith" as opposed to the Law. Accordingly we do not hear of salvation as such in Romans 3:1-31. So he essayed to join himself unto the church, but the brethren looked suspiciously at him and enquired, "What is your experience?" Who bring glad tidings of good things!. It was not merely, that he had better light. Everything Paul touches in this letter he relates to God. Night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the discussion to enter into to! Blessed than as he has done it of EXCUSES ( Romans 10:14-21 ), 10:14-21 How they. 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romans 10:8 17 commentary

romans 10:8 17 commentary