unc board of trustees salary

Authorization to Establish a Ph.D. On Opposition to a Cap on Use of Campus-Based Tuition Increases for Need-Based Student Aid (09/07/2012), . Office of Human Resources On Maintaining Campus Autonomy in Managing Programs for Diversity and Inclusion(FacultyExecutive Committee, 5/7/18), Resolution 2018-5 (PDF). And over a nine-month period, a Black faculty member will make a salary of approximately $21,000 less than that of a white faculty member. On Extending the Water Theme for Another Year. Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Establish the Division of the School of Information and Library Science for Purposes of Faculty Council Elections (12/11/98) In appreciation of Richard N. Andrews (04/28/2000), . Web1.1.4 Any person who has served two full four-year terms in succession as a member of the Board of Trustees shall, for a period of one year, be ineligible for election or appointment to the Board. Amending the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance (4/15/1997) On the Implications of Distance Learning for Faculty Welfare (03/26/1999), Resolution 1999-3 (PDF). Resolution 2013-6 (PDF). CB #1045 On the University Committee on Copyright (09/07/2001) Resolution 2006-6 (PDF). On Enhanced Grade Reporting (04/23/2010) Permanent base-salary adjustments in the current fiscal year do not count toward these calculations. Resolution 2007-7 (PDF). Resolution 2012-4 (PDF). Resolution 1997-7 (PDF). On Establishing Undergraduate Student Success Standards (4/25/2014) In appreciation of Richard N. Andrews (04/28/2000) Resolution 2007-10 (PDF). Repealing Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure of the Faculty Council (12/11/1998) On Endorsing the Faculty Executive Committee Report on Academic Irregularities and Commending Chancellor Thorps Actions to Restore Confidence in Carolinas Academic Integrity (09/07/2012), . Resolution 2008-4 (PDF). Implementing Faculty Council Resolution 2006-2 to Revise the Standards for Continued Academic Eligibility for Undergraduate Enrollment (02/16/2007) Resolution 2011-8 (PDF). Resolution 2013-2 (PDF). Resolution 2014-3 (PDF). UNC-Chapel Hill, 104 Airport Drive Amending the Faculty Code (02/22/2002) In September 2016, the UNC Chapel Hill Board of Trustees further delegated to the Chancellor or the Chancellor's permitted designees the authority to approve EHRA salary adjustments up to the aforementioned limits. Resolution 2011-7 (PDF). Resolution 2003-12 (PDF). Resolution 1998-5 (PDF). (First reading 1/29/2016; second reading 2/19/2016), Resolution 2016-3 (PDF). Resolution 2023-1 [PDF]. On Faculty Responsibilities in Relation to the Honor Code (01/17/2003) On Adopting the Achievement Index as the Metric for University-wide Comparative Rankings of Students; defeated on 04/27/2007] (4/16/21), Resolution 2021-6. Resolution 2008-1 (PDF). Concerning Phased Retirement (10/20/2000), . On Commitment to a Safe and Inclusive Campus (03/18/2013) On Establishing a Campus-Wide Two-Year Water Theme: H2O Carolina (12/9/2011) Amending the Faculty Code of University Government as it Relates to the Duties of the Faculty Grievance Committee (02/11/2005) Resolution 2012-3 (PDF). Resolution 2005-8 (PDF). Resolution 1999-9 (PDF). Resolution 2006-7 (PDF). Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Establish the University Committee on Copyright(12/11/1998) On Scholarly Communications (03/04/05) Summary of Reforms (PDF) On Endorsing the Report of the Task Force on Student Evaluation of Teaching(04/23/1999), Resolution 1999-5 (PDF). Resolution 1998-22 (PDF). Resolution 1997-1 (PDF). On Endorsing the Report of the Task Force on Student Evaluation of Teaching(04/23/1999) Faculty Statement On Principles of Service, Diversity and Freedom of Inquiry (04/24/1998) On Athletic Event Schedules that Interfere with Regular Instruction (12/08/2000) This delegation shall remain in effect until modified or rescinded by the board of governors, president or board of trustees. On Faculty Ownership of Research (03/04/05), . On Composition of the Faculty Athletics Committee (referred at the 2/27/2015 meeting to the Committee on University Government; defeated at Faculty Council on 9/25/2015)] Resolution 2002-5 (PDF). Resolutions 2002-1 (PDF). Policies and Guidelines for a Cooperative Learning Environment (2/03/1997), Resolution 1997-6-1 (PDF). Resolution 2005-4 (PDF). Resolution 2002-4 (PDF). 1998 Proposing an Amendment to the Trustee Policies and Procedures Governing Academic Tenure to Increase the Maximum Time for Extending the Probationary Period of Faculty Appointment for up to Twenty-Four Months for Reasons of Child-Birth, Health, or Other Compelling Circumstances(01/16/2004 Amending The Faculty Code of University Government as it Relates to the Specification of Officers of Arts and Sciences Divisions and Eligibility to Vote for and Hold Such Offices (01/10/2003) Resolution 2007-5 (PDF). On Support for Academic Freedom and the Literature of 9/11 Course (9/25/2015) On Creating the XF Grade (04/26/2013) On Amending the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance (approved by Faculty Executive Committee, 2/24/2014; reported toFaculty Council on 3/28/2014) Resolution 1999-1 (PDF). Resolution 2001-1 (PDF). On Selection of the Voting Delegate to the Atlantic Coast Conference (06/23/2003) Resolution 1998-11 (PDF). On Membership of the Council Committee on Fixed-Term Faculty (04/22/2007) On Amending the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance to Remove Sexual Misconduct, Harassment and Intimidation, and Discrimination Cases from the Jurisdiction of the Honor System (04/13/2012) Expressing the Sense of the Faculty Council on a Contract with Wachovia Bank(11/12/1999) (12/07/2001) In those cases, the range maximum is the limit.). Name and Charge of the Committee on the Status of Minorities and the Disadvantaged (1/10/1997) Revising the Deadline for Undergraduate Course Schedule Changes in the Fall and Spring Semester (03/24/2006), . (12/07/2001) Revising the Deadline for Undergraduate Course Schedule Changes in the Fall and Spring Semester (03/24/2006) Of them, eight were Black women. Resolution 2004-4 (PDF). On Endorsing the Recommendations of the Priority Registration Task Force (12/07/2007) On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Provide a Term Limit for the Office of the Chair of the Faculty (03/28/2008) Resolution 1998-7 (PDF). Resolution 2014-12 (PDF). Resolution 1997-10 (PDF). Resolution 2015-15 (PDF). On Creating the XF Grade (04/26/2013) DRAFT - Meeting Minutes June 11, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes. On Unfunded and Underfunded Enrollment Increases (As amended, 03/22/2002) Minor changes in duties and responsibilities should be addressed during the Annual Raise Process. On Requests to Change the Date of a Final Examination (3/28/2014) Resolution 2005-2 (PDF). Amending the Faculty Code of University Government as it Relates to the Membership of the University Committee on Copyright (02/24/2006) On Endorsing a University Open Access Policy (4/24/2015), Resolution 2015-10 (PDF). In most cases, it is preferred that departments plan for and use the EHRA annual raise process (ARP) to implement salary adjustments for EHRAnon-faculty employees. Expressing the Sense of the Faculty Council on a Contract with Wachovia Bank(11/12/1999) Resolution 2007-12 (PDF). Endorsing a Resolution on the Academic Freedom Adopted by the Faculty Assembly of The University of North Carolina (02/11/2005) On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Enlarge the Faculty Athletics Committee and to Clarify Its Charge. Resolution 2000-13 (PDF). On Selection of the Voting Delegate to the Atlantic Coast Conference (06/23/2003) Resolution 2013-17 (PDF). On Establishing the Faculty Advisory Committee on the Confederate Statue (01/11/19), Resolution 2019-2 (PDF). Resolution 1999-7 (PDF). 2005 On the Removal of Names from Aycock Residence Hall, the Josephus Daniels Building, Carr Building, and Ruffin Residence Hall. On Academic Dress(11/12/1999) Resolution 1997-6-1 (PDF). Endorsing the National Humanities Alliances Principles for Managing Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment (11/06/1998) Salary-increase requests must be documented on the SHRA & Non-Faculty Salary Adjustment/Supplement Form ("rainbow form"). On Appreciation for the Service of Ronald P. Strauss as Executive Vice Provost of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Resolution 2002-7 (PDF). Resolution 1999-6 (PDF). Proposing an Amendment to the Trustee Policies and Procedures Governing Academic Tenure to Increase the Maximum Time for Extending the Probationary Period of Faculty Appointment for up to Twenty-Four Months for Reasons of Child-Birth, Health, or Other Compelling Circumstances(01/16/2004 Resolution 2015-14 (PDF). Resolution 2006-8 (PDF). Resolution 2006-1 (PDF). Resolution 2012-13 (PDF). Increases which are 10% or greater of the employee's June 30th base salary require BOT approval. (2/03/1997), Resolution 1997-5 (PDF). On Support for Chancellor Holden Thorp (09/18/2012, adopted at the special meeting of the General Faculty) Resolution 2002-4 (PDF). Resolution 2015-11 (PDF). The Board of Trustees hadnot previously offered Hannah-Jones tenurefor the position, which other Knight chairs at UNC-CH have received. On Endorsing the Rank of Master Lecturer (04/15/2011) Resolution 2007-10 (PDF). Resolution 2011-5 (PDF). Encouraging Multidisciplinary Research(2/03/1997) Amending the Faculty Code of University Government as it Relates to the Membership of the University Committee on Copyright (02/24/2006) (3/19/21), Resolutions 2021-4 [PDF]. Endorsing a Proposed University Policy on Multi-Institutional Initiatives on Copyright Ownership(11/06/1998) On Authorizing the Title Teaching Professor for Fixed-Term Faculty in Substitution for the Title Master Lecturer (4/25/2014) Resolution 2003-1 (PDF). Resolution 2007-11 (PDF). On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Clarify Term Limits for Elective Committees (First reading 01/11/2013; second reading 02/08/2013) Resolution 2009-4 (PDF). On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Provide Voting Representation for Retired Faculty (03/18/2011), . UNC is evaluating a budget of $194.4 million for the upcoming fiscal year, and $3.2 million of the budget will be used for compensation increases. (11/15/2013) On Revising the Grounds for Grade Appeals (12/9/2011), Resolution 2010-1 (PDF). Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Establish the Division of the School of Information and Library Science for Purposes of Faculty Council Elections (12/11/98) Resolution 1998-7 (PDF). Prohibiting Use of the Carolina Course Review as an Instrument of Official Personnel Evaluation at the School or Departmental Level(03/27/1998) Resolution 2001-3 (PDF). On Responsibility for Established Lectures (04/23/1999) On Endorsing a University Open Access Policy (4/24/2015) Resolution 2000-5 (PDF). On Creating the Council Committee on Fixed-Term Faculty (04/22/2005) Resolution 2013-9 (PDF). On Ratifying an Amendment to the Charter of the Faculty Assembly of The University of North Carolina (04/27/2007) Resolution 2013-4 (PDF). On Appreciation for the Service of Judith Welch Wegner as Chair of Faculty, 2003-2006 (04/21/2006) [Resolution 2007-9 (PDF). Endorsing the National Humanities Alliances Principles for Managing Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment (11/06/1998), . Resolution 2011-1 (PDF). Resolution 2009-1 (PDF). If final approvals occur on a Monday, the action can be effective that day. On the Use of Courtesy Titles by Retired Members of the Faculty (01/16/2004) Resolution 2012-2 (PDF). On the New Survey for the Student Evaluation of Teaching (04/20/2001) On Endorsing the Report of the Ethics and Integrity Working Group (passed by the Faculty Executive Committee, 2/22/2016), Resolution 2016-8 (PDF). On Bachelors Degrees (10/10/2008), Resolution 2008-4 (PDF). Resolution 2001-6 (PDF). Resolution 1997-6-1 (PDF). On Commending the Scholars at Risk Program (10/10/2008), . Amending Appendix C of the Instrument of Student Judicial Government (01/19/2007), . Resolution 2006-2 (PDF). Thanking Thomas Meyer for his work on behalf of the UNC-CH faculty (09/10/1999) On Repeating Course Enrollments (4/21/17), Resolution 2017-7 (PDF). Please note that calculations of the percentage increase amount are based on the employee's previous June 30 base salary and not their July 1 or current salary. Completed forms should be sent to epanfsalaryrequest@unc.edu. On Creating the Council Committee on Fixed-Term Faculty (04/22/2005) On Football Scheduling On Weekdays(03/26/1999) On Appreciation for UNC Faculty Winners of Nobel Prizes (10/30/2015) Resolution 2008-4 (PDF). Resolution 2014-8 https://facultygov.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/261/2014/02/Fall2013InstrumentwithRevisions.docx(PDF). On Athletic Event Schedules that Interfere with Regular Instruction (12/08/2000), Resolution 1999-1 (PDF). Concerning Gender Equity in Faculty Compensation (02/07/2003) On Containing the Costs of Published Research (4/12/19), Resolution 2019-9 (PDF). Resolution 2002-7 (PDF). On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Provide the Removal of Committee Members Who Are Repeatedly Absent Without Cause (Passed first reading, 03/16/2012; passed second reading 04/13/2012), Resolution 2012-4 (PDF). A Resolution of Appreciation for President C.D. Employees will receive one-time $1,000 bonuses and an additional $500 for those making less than $75,000 a year. Amending the Faculty Code of University Government Concerning Nominations, Elections, and Filling Vacancies(12/11/1998) Academic Eligibility for Junior Transfer Students (03/27/1998) On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Update the Charge of the Administrative Board of the Library (Passed first reading, 03/16/2012; passed second reading 04/13/2012), . (12/13/2013) On Revising the Pass/D+/D/Fail Option (10/30/2015) On the Qatar Proposal (Special meeting of 11/16/2001), . Expressing the Sense of the Faculty Council on a Contract with Wachovia Bank(11/12/1999), . Payroll Services Name and Charge of the Committee on the Status of Minorities and the Disadvantaged (1/10/1997) Resolution of Appreciation (PDF) for Chair of the Faculty Sue Estroff (04/25/2003) (12/07/2001) On Proposed Revisions to the Code of the Board of Governors Pertaining to Faculty Employment (09/14/2007), Resolution 2007-11 (PDF). On the Implications of Distance Learning for Faculty Welfare (03/26/1999) Resolution 2002-6 (PDF). On a University Steering Committee for Worker Health, Safety, and Wellness (04/21/2006), Resolution 2006-9 (PDF). On Excused Absences for Religious Observances (09/10/2010) Resolution 2011-4 (PDF). The UNC System does however have a dollar figure in mind for a range of other budget items. Resolution 1998-10 (PDF). Feb. 23, 2023 - full agenda and meeting materials In his report, President Peter Hans focused on the Resolution of Appreciation (PDF) for Chair of the Faculty Sue Estroff (04/25/2003) 2006 On a University Steering Committee for Worker Health, Safety, and Wellness (04/21/2006) On Endorsing a Campus-Wide Two-Year Theme: Feeding a Hungry World (11/21/2014) On Athletics Programs in the A.C.C. A Resolution of Appreciation for President C.D. Resolution 1999-1 (PDF). 2004 On Support for Academic Freedom and the Literature of 9/11 Course (9/25/2015), Resolution 2015-12 (PDF). On Faculty Representation on the Board of Trustees (02/22/2002), Resolution 2002-4 (PDF). On Appreciation for the Service of Robert A. Blouin, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Resolution 2020-1 (PDF). On Monitoring the Status of Women in Leadership Positions (04/26/2013) Resolution 2007-12 (PDF). In Appreciation of Richard Edwards (02/16/2001) Resolution 2000-1 through 2000-4 (PDF). Proposing an Amendment to the Trustee Policies and Procedures Governing Academic Tenure to Authorize the Faculty Ranks of Senior Lecturer and Professor of the Practice (01/16/2004) WebThe members of the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Visitors serve four-year terms. Encouraging use of Office of Technology Developments Resources for the Commercialization of Works (03/23/2007) In Appreciation of Provost Robert Shelton (04/21/2006) Resolution 1997-4 (PDF). Resolution 2000-10 (PDF). Resolution 2002-6 (PDF). On Improving Librarian Salaries (03/26/1999), . CHAPEL HILL, N.C. -- Trustees at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill voted 9-4 to approve tenure for investigative journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones. Feb. 23, 2023 - full agenda and meeting materials In his report, President Peter Hans focused on the challenges that our System and society are confronting related to student mental health, and the plans to work with the state, System and campus leaders to increase support. Amendments to the Faculty Code (04/28/2000) Resolution 1997-11 (PDF). On Improving Librarian Salaries (03/26/1999) A Resolution Honoring Anne Craig Barnes, Former Member of the General Assembly of North Carolina (1/10/1997) Proposing an Amendment to the Trustee Policies and Procedures Governing Academic Tenure to Authorize the Faculty Ranks of Senior Lecturer and Professor of the Practice (01/16/2004) Amending the Faculty Code of University Government as it Relates to the General Faculty, the Faculty Council, Officers of the Faculty, and Standing Committees ( Final adoption on 01/16/2004), Resolution 2003-12 (PDF). Resolution 2012-4 (PDF). For any temporary salary adjustments, System Office pre-approval is required when the amount of the temporary adjustment combined with the base salary exceeds 115% of the assigned market rate for the classification, or if that amount exceeds the next-highest competency market rate. On Athletics Programs in the A.C.C. On Support for the UNC Faculty Assemblys Response to the Draft Strategic Plan (Passed by Faculty Executive Committee, 01/28/2013), Resolution 2013-5 (PDF). These revisions provide a significant rebalancing of delegated authority for approvals of EHRA salary actions. Resolution 1998-2 (PDF). On Affirming the Core Competencies of Critical Thinking and Written Communication as Fundamental Requirements for Successful Mastery in All Academic Disciplines. (First reading: 11/4/22; Second reading: 12/9/22), the Recommendations of the Task Force on Promotion and Tenure Policies and Practices (4/17/20), . On the Implications of Distance Learning for Faculty Welfare (03/26/1999) On Opposition to a Cap on Use of Campus-Based Tuition Increases for Need-Based Student Aid (09/07/2012), Resolution 2012-8 (PDF). On Supporting a Resolution of the University of North Carolina Faculty Assembly on Academic Freedom (12/17/2010) Amending the Faculty Code to Continue Voting Privileges for Faculty Taking Phased Retirement, [Resolution 2015-4. Resolution 2001-1 (PDF). On Amending The Instrument of Student Judicial Governance (3/24/17), Resolution 2017-5 (PDF). Resolution 2003-4 (PDF). Endorsing Educational Policy Committee Efforts to Investigate Grading Policy Reforms Amending the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance (04/25/2003) On Guidelines for Course Syllabi (10/5/2012) April 27, 2023 | Board of Trustees Meeting| Location TBD. Resolution 2008-3 (PDF). Resolution 2013-12 (PDF). WebActions exceeding 25% and $25,000 require formal Board of Governors pre-approval; the Board of Trustees will review all increases that exceed campus thresholds of 20% and On Reporting Contextual Grade Information on Undergraduate Student Transcripts (04/15/2011), . Resolution 2006-4 (PDF). Resolution 2001-8 (PDF). Amending Appendix C of the Instrument of Student Judicial Government (01/19/2007), Resolution 2007-3 (PDF). Resolution 2005-9 (PDF). Amendments to the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance(04/28/2000) Authorization to Establish a Ph.D. Resolution 2006-9 (PDF). On Appreciation for the Service of Judith Welch Wegner as Chair of Faculty, 2003-2006 (04/21/2006) Spangler, Jr. (4/15/1997) On the New Survey for the Student Evaluation of Teaching (04/20/2001) On Amending the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance to Remove Sexual Misconduct, Harassment and Intimidation, and Discrimination Cases from the Jurisdiction of the Honor System (04/13/2012), . As examples, the database may not capture all external fund sources that may compensate some employees, or the information may capture temporary salary increases or temporary title changes for additional duties for an employee that could change in the course of the year. Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Establish the Faculty Information Technology Advisory Committee(12/11/1998) 2000 Resolution 2012-6 (PDF). Resolution 2012-1 (PDF). Resolution 2011-8 (PDF). Comprehensively Amendment the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance (01/17/2003), Resolution 2003-7 (PDF). Amending the Faculty Code of University Government as it Relates to the General Faculty, the Faculty Council, Officers of the Faculty, and Standing Committees ( Final adoption on 01/16/2004) Resolution 1998-12 (PDF). Resolution 2007-12 (PDF). Resolution 2009-1 (PDF). On Scholarly Communications (03/04/05) On Increasing the Maximum Credit Hours in a Semester from 20 to 21 (3/28/2014), . Endorsing the Offering of Courses as a Staff Benefit(04/24/1998) In Appreciation of Richard Edwards (02/16/2001) Resolution 2005-5 (PDF). On Amending the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance (4/24/2015) Resolution 2013-9 (PDF). On Recognizing the Accomplishments of George Moses Horton (02/20/2009) Resolution 2007-1 (PDF). In appreciation of Richard N. Andrews (04/28/2000) On Fully Integrating All Academic Support Services (referredat the 2/27/2015 meeting to the Student Athlete Academic Initiative Working Group; defeated at Faculty Council on 10/30/2015)] UNC-Chapel Hill's Office of Human Resources has on-campus, pre-approval authority for all salary actions that fall within OSHR policy guidelines and do not exceed a cumulative raise of 20% from the employee's base-salary rate on the previous June 30th, provided that we have delegated authority for the career-banded title. (09/13/2013), Resolution 2013-16 (PDF). On Adequate Funding for Teaching Resources (04/23/1999) Resolution 1997-3 (PDF). On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Provide Voting Representation for Retired Faculty (03/18/2011) Endorsing the Report of the Undergraduate Curriculum Revision Steering Committee (04/25/2003) Resolution 1998-14 (PDF). A report Monday from the news site NC Policy Watch, citing two unnamed board members, said trustees were expected to vote on tenure for Hannah-Jones. Academic Eligibility for Junior Transfer Students (03/27/1998) On Appreciation for Elaine L. Westbrooks as University Librarian and Vice Provost for University Libraries. Resolution 2000-6 (PDF). 2012 On Revising the Regulation Concerning Independent Studies for Credit (10/5/2012), Resolution 2012-13 (PDF). Resolution 1998-11 (PDF). Resolution 2004-6 (PDF). Resolution 1999-7 (PDF). malcolm@unc.edu, Perrin W. Jones, M.D. Supporting Participation in the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics (03/26/2004) Resolution 1999-5 (PDF). Resolution 2001-2 (PDF). Resolution 2004-3 (PDF). 2005 Resolution 2010-1 (PDF). 2005 On Extending the Time for Evaluation of the Priority Registration Policy (10/14/2011), Resolution 2011-6 (PDF). Resolution 2014-2 (PDF) On Complying with the Directive of The University of North Carolina Concerning the Deadline for Dropping Courses (1/17/2014) Resolution 1998-2 (PDF). Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Abolish the Committee on Instructional Personnel and to Delete References to it, to Provide for Faculty Review of Tenure and Promotion Recommendations, to Provide for Faculty Consultation with Respect to Appointments and Promotions Conferring Permanent Tenure and Appointments to Full-Time Fixed-Term Faculty Positions, and to Establish a Standing Committee on Fixed-Term Faculty (02/11/2005) Bridgeport Public Library Board of Trustees Inc is a tax-exempt organization filed with Internal Revenue Service (IRS). On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Provide for Vacancy Appointments for Faculty Officers. On Revising the Regulation Concerning Independent Studies for Credit (10/5/2012), . On Adopting the Federal Definition of the Credit Hour (02/10/2012) Candidates qualifications and credentials. Restricting Dissemination of the Carolina Course Review(03/27/1998) 230 E. Cameron Avenue Resolution 2012-8 (PDF). Resolution 2006-2 (PDF). Resolution 2005-3 (PDF). Feb. 23, 2023 - full agenda and meeting materials In his report, President Peter Hans focused on the challenges that our System and society are confronting related to student mental health, and the plans to work with the state, System and campus leaders to increase support. The University will continue to use the current SAAO Tier II and IRIT ranges for EHRA Non-Faculty until they are fully replaced by newly developed System Office salary ranges. Resolution 1999-6 (PDF). On Revising the Grounds for Grade Appeals (12/9/2011) On Improving Librarian Salaries (03/26/1999) Resolution 1999-6 (PDF). Resolution 1997-9 (PDF). On Appreciation for Vincas P. Steponaitiss Service as Secretary of the Faculty, 2016-2021. Statement on Academic Freedom and Responsibility (amended resolution passed, 11/13/2015) Resolution 1998-19 (PDF). On Monitoring the Status of Women in Leadership Positions (04/26/2013) On Endorsing a Campus-Wide Two-Year Theme: Feeding a Hungry World (11/21/2014), . Authorizing Continued Use of the Carolina Course Review for One Year (09/11/1998), Resolution 1998-10 (PDF). On Information Technology (12/07/2001) On Terrorism (as amended) (10/05/2001) On Faculty Responsibilities in Relation to the Honor Code (01/17/2003) On Recognizing the Accomplishments of George Moses Horton (02/20/2009) Non-Faculty Salary Adjustment/Supplement Form (rainbow form). Resolution 1997-6-1 (PDF). On Support for Academic Freedom and the Literature of 9/11 Course (9/25/2015) On Terrorism (as amended) (10/05/2001) [Resolution 2009-5 (PDF) was withdrawn before consideration, as the situation was resolved.] Resolution 2006-5 (PDF). Resolution 1999-3 (PDF). On Endorsing the Report of the Task Force on Student Evaluation of Teaching(04/23/1999) On Establishing a Campus-Wide Two-Year Water Theme: H2O Carolina (12/9/2011) Name and Charge of the Committee on the Status of Minorities and the Disadvantaged (1/10/1997) Temporary adjustment related to an increase in job duties or responsibilities; salary will revert when temporary duties cease (2b), Retention (3) Requires documented job offer or. Implementing Faculty Council Resolution 2006-2 to Revise the Standards for Continued Academic Eligibility for Undergraduate Enrollment (02/16/2007) 1/29/2016 ; second reading 2/19/2016 ), 04/23/2010 ) Permanent base-salary adjustments in the Digital Environment ( 11/06/1998 ) Resolution! 2007-3 ( PDF ) Trustees hadnot previously offered Hannah-Jones tenurefor the position, which Knight. Use of Campus-Based Tuition Increases for Need-Based Student Aid ( 09/07/2012 ), Resolution 1997-5 ( PDF.. 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